S.C.J. FAQ Updates

I spent some time this morning doing S.C.J FAQ updates, based on questions received over the last year. As I don’t have a formal change log, here are the updated questions/answers: Otherfaqs (prune dead links and correct others), 05-15 (new question – “Does one ever fast on Chanukah?”), 08-20 (spelling correction), 11-01-12 (new question – “Are Orthodox men and women allowed to wear perfume?”), 11-06-04 (addl information – “What are the Jewish mourning customs after the death of an immediate relative?”), 11-06-05 (spelling correction), 11-06-08 (spelling correction), 12-08 (corrected link), 12-48 (new question – “What is Mussar?”), 12-49 (new question – “Was it a requirement of membership/selection for the Sanhedrin for a person to be married?”), 13-04 (clarification – “Who were the Khazars? Are Ashkenazi Jews descended from the Khazars? “), 13-14 (new question – “Is Yiddish a Jewish Language? What are Jewish Languages?”), 17-07 (correct misstatement), and 19-04 (add two abbreviations).


Changes to S.C.J FAQ: January 2007

[Crossposted to cahwyguy and weirdjews]

In the past, I haven’t posted a change log for the S.C.J. FAQ. It worked well posting it the last time (October 2006), so I’m going to try it again. Please, if you have corrections to these items, please let me know. In general, these changes arise either from comments mailed to me, or questions I get asked (and thus have to answer). Note also that if you are reading this FAQ from www.faqs.org, or any of the other sites that grab it from the newsgroup, you’re reading an out of date version. I’ve stopped posting the newsgroup version because of some generation problems I haven’t tracked down. Note: Many of the new answers are derived from answers given by Rabbi Micha Berger, who helps me with the FAQ. Micha has a blog that is syndicated on LiveJournal as aspaqlaria.

In any case, here is the current round of changes:

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Challah and Pregnancy

Somedays, I get questions from the FAQ that just make me go “huh?”. Here’s today’s question:

Someone baked challah for me and said it would help me get pregnant. It did, thank G-d. What is the kabbalistic story behind that? Does the recipient have to be Jewish?

Now, this is a new one for me. I did a google search; there seems to be no mention of this. Has anyone heard of this at all?

[Crossposted to cahwyguy and weirdjews]


Updates to S.C.J FAQ

[Crossposted to cahwyguy and weirdjews]

In the past, I haven’t posted a change log for the
S.C.J. FAQ. I’m going to try it, at
least for this round of updates. Please, if you have corrections to these
items, please let me know. In general, these changes arise either from comments
mailed to me, or questions I get asked (and thus have to answer). Note also
that if you are reading this FAQ from www.faqs.org, or any of the other sites
that grab it from the newsgroup, you’re reading an out of date version. I’ve
stopped posting the newsgroup version because of some generation problems I
haven’t tracked down. Note: Many of the new answers are derived from answers
given Rabbi Micha
, who helps me with the FAQ. Micha has
a blog that is syndicated on
LiveJournal as .

In any case, here is the current round of changes:

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