Updates to S.C.J FAQ

[Crossposted to cahwyguy and weirdjews]

In the past, I haven’t posted a change log for the
S.C.J. FAQ. I’m going to try it, at
least for this round of updates. Please, if you have corrections to these
items, please let me know. In general, these changes arise either from comments
mailed to me, or questions I get asked (and thus have to answer). Note also
that if you are reading this FAQ from www.faqs.org, or any of the other sites
that grab it from the newsgroup, you’re reading an out of date version. I’ve
stopped posting the newsgroup version because of some generation problems I
haven’t tracked down. Note: Many of the new answers are derived from answers
given Rabbi Micha
, who helps me with the FAQ. Micha has
a blog that is syndicated on
LiveJournal as .

In any case, here is the current round of changes:
