(meme update) Dichotomy Meme Analyzed

On Tuesday, I posted the following meme: “Pick ONE from each pair that you think describes me the best & leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.” The following is how I see myself:

  • dominant or submissive [2/3]. The “wishy-washy”-ness of the question shows in the answers I got, and my answer. Certainly, I’m neither in terms of the more adult use of the terms: I believe in equanimity. But in terms of life in general, it is hard to answer. I will certainly take charge when appropriate, and tend not to meekly submit. But that’s more “leader or follower”. I’m not sure that in a group I tend to dominate, but I also don’t submit to the results. So I really don’t know how to answer this, other than “or”.
  • logical or intuitive [5/0]. Folks got this one. I tend to work out problems logically, which explains why I always wanted to be in the hard sciences, and was never a “north campus” (in UCLA terms) kind of person.
  • social or loner [5/0]. Again, pretty much on, although there are times I do want to isolate. But I would rather be around people, and I find I get energy from being around people.
  • kinky or vanilla [0/5]. Actually, more Praline Nut Crunch :-). Seriously, I do think vanilla is the right term, no matter how my mind my veer into the gutter at times, I don’t think the body would ever follow. I tend to prefer the stable and known, which does fit vanilla.
  • cute or sophisticated [2/3]. I would have no idea how to answer this question, so I’m not surprised folks had trouble with it. Sophisticated is probably closer, given my love of theatre as opposed to “cutsey” kitsch.
  • kitten or puppy [1/4]. I’m sorry, but I’m a dog person. Grew up with them, although I prefer miniature or medium size dogs. Give me a good miniature poodle, cockapoo, or cocker spaniel any day. Irish setters or springer spaniels will do in a pinch. I’m also more like a dog: you can take me on walks, I’m loyal, I like to talk, I’m social, I like to swim, and I mark my territory (just joking).
  • warm flannel sheets or sleek satin [5/0]. Flannel. That’s me. Warm, soft, and comfortable. Durable. Something that doesn’t create friction and raise static. Utilitarian. Not too frayed at the edges. Not overly sexy. A little bit of pill when rubbed too hard. [Note to deedeebythebay, who I judged as Satin: I’m not saying that satin is bad… rather, it conveys a sensuousness that I don’t see myself as having, a smoothness, a lack of friction.]
  • leader or follower [5/0]. I do tend to lead, although I’m not a big manager type. But I do like to be in the forefront, so I can see where I’m going and avoid the pits.
  • quiet or talkative [1/4]. C’mon. I once got seven D’s in 2nd grade for talking too much. I was “Little Running Mouth” in Indian Guides. And you don’t want to get me drunk, for I talk even more. Hell, look at how long my posts are here :-). No one has ever accused me of being quiet!
  • spontaneous or planned [0/5]. Definately planned. Three years ago, we did a vacation without making reservations in advance. Immensely frustrating, in terms of where we would stay each night. Give me planned ahead anytime. I guess this is why I spend more on theatre than I should: I could never do the last-minute half-price tickets!

BTW, note the name of the current music. One of my favorite songs! Also, if you’re interesting in boardgaming in the northern San Fernando Valley on Sunday, February 20, please drop me a note.


(meme) True Lies Meme

Today, I’m working from home because it made more sense to get in two hours of work, as opposed to losing it in traffic on I-405. So, in between figuring out the actual security requirements in the DoDI 8500.2 controls, I’m munching on crunchy caramel-coated meme and nuts (with a free surprise inside) from cecerose:

True Lies Meme

Post ten things, four of which are lies. You figure out which.

The Things

  1. I have walked on a freeway before it was opened.
  2. Marvin Hamlisch once gave me a ride home.
  3. I stole my wife from another man.
  4. The last time I visited New York, I saw the play Noises Off.
  5. I learned computers from the son of the composer Arnold Schoënberg.
  6. The last time I visited London, I saw the musical One Mo Time.
  7. I’m related to Milton Berle.
  8. Throughout my years at UCLA, I used fountain pens to take notes.
  9. I did the complete set of cross-stitch 1984 Olympic stamps.
  10. I’ve done most of the needlepoints that we have hanging on our walls.

I’ll do my best not to reply to responses until most guesses have been made.


Observations on “Post This Sentence” Memes and Where You Met Your Spouse/SO

The problem with the “post these sentences” memes is: how do people know you are answering the meme in the negative, vs. just ignoring it. There’s a meme going around (most recently seen from wordweaverlynn on my “Friends of Friends” list, but seen numerous times elsewhere) that says “If there is at least one person in your life whom you consider a close friend, and whom you would not have met without the Internet, post this sentence in your journal.” The original variation I saw of this was specifically tied to SO/Spouse.

I can’t do it.

First, with respect to my spouse, we met long before Internet access was common. Our first meeting was back in 1980, when she was married to her first husband, and running the Regional Scholastic Programming Contest at CSUN, and I was on the UCLA team. The relationship didn’t blossom until a couple of years later, when that marriage was failing and she was taking courses at UCLA Extension. So, you can say we met because of ACM, you can say we met because of computers, but not the Internet.

As for other close friends: we may have met some because of computers, but again, none we would not have met without the Internet. Perhaps that will happen in the future, but right now it is not the case.

I wonder if this is a generational thing. Although I’ve been on the Internet since the late 1980s, even before it was the Internet, I was not in communities that fostered close friendships. Acquaintanceships perhaps, but not friendships. I think for true friendships you need to have an association in real life.

So, there you have it.


(meme) Map Meme

Today for lunch we have a small pineapple and diced meme pizza, prepared by patgund:


  1. Go To Mapquest.com
  2. Click on Directions
  3. Enter your Current Address and the Address of your Childhood Home (or at least the town if you don’t remember the exact address)
  4. Put the time and distance in a post like this.
  5. Don’t forget to repost these directions. (Not the door to door ones)


Total Est. Time: 31 minutes Total Est. Distance: 25.00 miles

This is from North Hills, California (91343) where I live now to Playa Del Rey, California (90293, nee 90291). I actually grew up in Westchester, California (90045), but that’s only one additional mile, if that. Yes, I have always lived (and went to college (UCLA)) within 40 miles of where I was born. I’m a native Angelino.


(meme) Affirmations Meme

Ahh, lunchtime. Today’s menu is: memes covered in spaghetti sauce, prepared by barelyproper.

Saying and hearing nice things is good for the soul.

Say something nice about me.
I’ll say something nice about you.

And then post this meme in your own journal, so your friends can say nice things about you, and you can say nice things about them.

Hey ya’ll let’s share the love.
