Hey You! Yes You! The person reading this!

I almost missed it, but this is the end of National Delurking Week. So now is your time. Please comment and let me know you are reading this. You can comment on Livejournal, you can comment on Facebook, or you can comment on blog.cahighways.org: I’ve got it set up so you can comment with most social network sharing IDs, even Twitter. So don’t just hide: come and test my commenting mechanism, and let me know if you enjoy what I post.

Music: Genius + Soul = Jazz (Ray Charles): Birth of the Blues


Friday Link Stew: Tax Changes, Health Concerns, a Bookstore Lost, and Responses to Things

It’s Friday. Time to clear out the miscellaneous stuff from the links over lunch:

Music: Fairport Chronicles (Fairport Convention): Bridge Over the River Ash
