Adapting to Changing Times

As Bob Dylan sang, “the times they are a’changin'”. Today’s lunchtime stories are all examples of that. To start us off, transit agencies are having to adapt for the growing posteriors of Americans. The NY Times has an interesting article on that, looking at how transit agencies cope with the need for wider seats. Most of those riders are going to or from work, and they do it at all times of day, not just between 9-5. This, in turn, has lead to more and more day care centers broadening their hours, even going to round-the-clock childcare. By the way, speaking of doing it, desparate times call for desparate measures… but selling your body for chicken nuggets is pushing it.

Changes have also hit membership organizations. The LA Times has a nice article on the Ebell of Los Angeles, a turn-of-the-last-century (1894) club for women. The club is having to adapt from an era where women didn’t go to college (and thus the club provided educational speakers) to our modern era, while remaining true to its mission. A fascinating read, especially on the architecture and furnishings of the Wilshire Ebell Theatre on Wilshire Blvd.

Lastly, speaking of historical times… you listen to political pundits, and you hear that our taxes are incredibly high. Guess what? They should check the facts. Even if Gov. Brown’s new budget with higher taxes passes, the taxing and spending burden will be about the same as it was when Ronald Reagan was governor.

Music: The Best of Chet Atkins (Chet Atkins): Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)
