The State of the Union is Confused

[Why am I using my revised laughing userpic? In addition to showing it off, if I wasn’t laughing, I’d be crying.]

I just finished reading the transcript of the State of the Union speech on CNN. We have just seen a facade presented by another facade.

(Climbs up on soapbox)

My Rants About The SotU

Note: This entry was originally posted on Observations Along The Road (on as this entry by California Highway Guy. You may comment either here or there (where there are comment(s)).


17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists

[The following is from, but I’m reproducing it here for when he updates his site and it goes away]

Dear Friends,

Ok, it sucks. Really sucks. But before you go and cash it all in, let’s, in the words of Monty Python, “always look on the bright side of life!” There IS some good news from Tuesday’s election.

Here are 17 reasons not to slit your wrists:

  1. It is against the law for George W. Bush to run for president again.
  2. Bush’s victory was the NARROWEST win for a sitting president since Woodrow Wilson in 1916.
  3. The only age group in which the majority voted for Kerry was young adults (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%), proving once again that your parents are always wrong and you should never listen to them.
  4. In spite of Bush’s win, the majority of Americans still think the country is headed in the wrong direction (56%), think the war wasn’t worth fighting (51%), and don’t approve of the job George W. Bush is doing (52%). (Note to foreigners: Don’t try to figure this one out. It’s an American thing, like Pop Tarts.)
  5. The Republicans will not have a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate. If the Democrats do their job, Bush won’t be able to pack the Supreme Court with right-wing ideologues. Did I say “if the Democrats do their job?” Um, maybe better to scratch this one.
  6. Michigan voted for Kerry! So did the entire Northeast, the birthplace of our democracy. So did 6 of the 8 Great Lakes States. And the whole West Coast! Plus Hawaii. Ok, that’s a start. We’ve got most of the fresh water, all of Broadway, and Mt. St. Helens. We can dehydrate them or bury them in lava. And no more show tunes!
  7. Once again we are reminded that the buckeye is a nut, and not just any old nut—a poisonous nut. A great nation was felled by a poisonous nut. May Ohio State pay dearly this Saturday when it faces Michigan.
  8. 88% of Bush’s support came from white voters. In 50 years, America will no longer have a white majority. Hey, 50 years isn’t such a long time! If you’re ten years old and reading this, your golden years will be truly golden and you will be well cared for in your old age.
  9. Gays, thanks to the ballot measures passed on Tuesday, cannot get married in 11 new states. Thank God. Just think of all those wedding gifts we won’t have to buy now.
  10. Five more African Americans were elected as members of Congress, including the return of Cynthia McKinney of Georgia. It’s always good to have more blacks in there fighting for us and doing the job our candidates can’t.
  11. The CEO of Coors was defeated for Senate in Colorado. Drink up!
  12. Admit it: We like the Bush twins and we don’t want them to go away.
  13. At the state legislative level, Democrats picked up a net of at least 3 chambers in Tuesday’s elections. Of the 98 partisan-controlled state legislative chambers (house/assembly and senate), Democrats went into the 2004 elections in control of 44 chambers, Republicans controlled 53 chambers, and 1 chamber was tied. After Tuesday, Democrats now control 47 chambers, Republicans control 49 chambers, 1 chamber is tied and 1 chamber (Montana House) is still undecided.
  14. Bush is now a lame duck president. He will have no greater moment than the one he’s having this week. It’s all downhill for him from here on out—and, more significantly, he’s just not going to want to do all the hard work that will be expected of him. It’ll be like everyone’s last month in 12th grade—you’ve already made it, so it’s party time! Perhaps he’ll treat the next four years like a permanent Friday, spending even more time at the ranch or in Kennebunkport. And why shouldn’t he? He’s already proved his point, avenged his father and kicked our ass.
  15. Should Bush decide to show up to work and take this country down a very dark road, it is also just as likely that either of the following two scenarios will happen: a) Now that he doesn’t ever need to pander to the Christian conservatives again to get elected, someone may whisper in his ear that he should spend these last four years building “a legacy” so that history will render a kinder verdict on him and thus he will not push for too aggressive a right-wing agenda; or b) He will become so cocky and arrogant—and thus, reckless—that he will commit a blunder of such major proportions that even his own party will have to remove him from office.
  16. There are nearly 300 million Americans—200 million of them of voting age. We only lost by three and a half million! That’s not a landslide—it means we’re almost there. Imagine losing by 20 million. If you had 58 yards to go before you reached the goal line and then you barreled down 55 of those yards, would you stop on the three yard line, pick up the ball and go home crying—especially when you get to start the next down on the three yard line? Of course not! Buck up! Have hope! More sports analogies are coming!!!
  17. Finally and most importantly, over 55 million Americans voted for the candidate dubbed “The #1 Liberal in the Senate.” That’s more than the total number of voters who voted for either Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Gore. Again, more people voted for Kerry than Reagan. If the media are looking for a trend it should be this—that so many Americans were, for the first time since Kennedy, willing to vote for an out-and-out liberal. The country has always been filled with evangelicals—that is not news. What IS news is that so many people have shifted toward a Massachusetts liberal. In fact, that’s BIG news. Which means, don’t expect the mainstream media, the ones who brought you the Iraq War, to ever report the real truth about November 2, 2004. In fact, it’s better that they don’t. We’ll need the element of surprise in 2008.

Feeling better? I hope so. As my friend Mort wrote me yesterday, “My Romanian grandfather used to say to me, ‘Remember, Morton, this is such a wonderful country—it doesn’t even need a president!'”

But it needs us. Rest up, I’ll write you again tomorrow.


Michael Moore


Bush/Cheney Does Not Espouse Judeo-Christian Values

What, you say? What do you mean: they’re against gay marriage? Those are Judeo-Christian values. They’re pro-family. They’re courting evangelicals.

I’ll say it again: Bush/Cheney do not espouse Judeo-Christian Values.

What do I mean? Well, both Judaism and Christianity teach that is is possible to repent from sinning. They teach that someone does not sin until they actually commit the act; up until that point, there is the possibility that they may repent and change their ways, even if they have sinned in the past. Repent, ye sinners!

However, the New York Times reported that V.P. Cheney is saying that it was right to attack Iraq simply because “As soon as the sanctions were lifted he had every intention of going back” to his weapons program. Well, in my mind, I have many intentions that might be illegal or immoral. I don’t act upon them. (Although the NYT link is gone, it is reported here)

Just consider what would happen if we used “intent to” as a crime, as opposed to “commission”. Let’s jail all the homosexuals: they intend to have gay marriages. Let’s jail all drivers: they intend to speed. You can see where this would lead us… down a very dangerous road.

Don’t think it is happening? What administration is jailing people and treating them as second-class citizens because of believed intents? Can you spell “C A T  S T E V E N S”? I knew you could.

And it’s not just Cheney. President Bush was making similar statements today: According to CNN, Bush acknowledged that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction at the time he ordered the invasion but said Saddam Hussein was “systematically gaming the system” and the world is safer because he is no longer in power. “He was doing so with the intent of restarting his weapons program once the world looked away,” Bush said. “Based on all the information we have to date, I believe we were right to take action.”

I’ll say it again: Bush/Cheney do not espouse Judeo-Christian Values.

Update: In good news, the Projected Final Election Map for today (October 7) shows that Kerry wins in a landslide, 538 to 0.


Republicans Buying Votes?

Today I’m down visiting my father, who is still registered Republican (although he is pro-Kerry… this is an improvement from the days I remember him being staunchly Republican, and my mom being staunchly Democratic).

In any case, he showed me a mailing from the Republican party. They mailed him a fresh, crisp $1 bill, encouraging him to return it with more money for the Republican party. We were wondering, however, if this could be viewed as an attempt to buy votes. Hmmmm…. I suggested that he write them a letter back thanking them for the money, but since Kerry did so good in the debates, he was going to give it to Kerry/Edwards. Alas, I don’t think he will do that 🙁

(P.S.: I can now see what people are talking about on the new entry interface. His screen is at lower resolution, so I am running into the width problem. It is annoying; I’ll be happy to get back to semagic!)


Al Chayts for George W. Bush… Which He Will Never Say

[Snarfed from , originally posted by singurdreams]

A High Holiday confessional that will never be uttered by George W. Bush:

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement:

  • For the sin I have committed before you by promising to be a compassionate conservative, but showing no compassion.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by waging an unjust war in Iraq in the false name of fighting terrorism.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by waging a political campaign built on fear, not hope.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by cynically exploiting the horrors of 9/11 for political gain.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by ignoring the plight of the poorest and weakest among our citizens.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by the unnecessary deaths of 1,000 young Americans, the injuries to thousands more, and the deaths and injuries to untold numbers of Iraqis.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by lying about my record of service in the National Guard.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

  • For the sin I have committed before you by dividing rather than uniting our people.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by ignoring the loss of over one million jobs in the U.S.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by doing nothing to provide health insurance to millions of Americans, and to stem rapidly rising prescription medicine and other health care costs.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by systematically weakening environmental and pollution regulations, thereby endangering public health and destroying precious wilderness resources.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by promising to leave no child behind, and then failing to adequately fund educational programs, or treating every child the same whilst failing to recognize that different children learn differently.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by allowing the assault weapons ban to expire, thereby allowing these grotesque weapons to return to our streets.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by bearing false witness about the reasons for going to war in Iraq.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by perpetuating the falsehood that increasing homeland security requires a weakening of the civil rights of our citizens.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by imposing a veil of secrecy on government decision-making processes.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

  • For the sin I have committed before you by allowing the ends to justify any means.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by lowering taxes for only the very wealthiest Americans, enriching the few at the expense of the many.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by running a cynical and destructive presidential campaign, designed to destroy rather than just defeat my opponent.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by fighting a war in Iraq to divert attention from failures in the just war on terrorists, and from failing to act against the looming nuclear threat from Iran and North

  • For the sin I have committed before you by failing to make any progress in achieving a just peace between Israel and the Arabs.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by turning a massive government surplus into a massive deficit in less than four years, thereby burdening future generations with untold debt.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by unnecessarily damaging relations with American friends and allies throughout the world.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

  • For the sin I have committed before you by promoting a personal ideology rather than the interests of the American people.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by arrogance and swagger, speaking with a forked tongue, and for the haughty exercise of power.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by appointing arch-conservative judges to the federal judiciary.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by irresponsibly and possibly irreparably damaging the reputation of the United States throughout the world.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by enriching my friends in the conduct of government and military affairs.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by encouraging xenophobia on the part of the American people.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by attempting to impose my extreme religious and moralistic values on the entire nation, and weakening the separation between church and state.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by characterizing all who oppose me as evil, and all who agree with me as good.
  • And for the sin I have committed before you by failing to acknowledge my responsibility for all these sins, for attempting to blame others for them, and for all the injury and damage they have caused to individuals, the nation, and the future.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.


Reassuring Words

[The following is snarfed from ginamariewade‘s blog, with a little additional commentary and reworking.]

For those who keep doing daily monitoring of the Electoral Vote Predictor, and get discouraged (today: Kerry 217; Bush 311), consider the following:

  1. Do you know anyone who voted for Gore who is now going to vote for Bush?
  2. Do you know anyone who didn’t vote in 2000 who is registering just to vote for Bush?
  3. Do you know anyone who voted for Bush in 2000 who is now going to vote for Kerry?
  4. Do you know anyone who didn’t vote in 2000 who is now going to vote for Kerry?

I’ll add that this emphasizes the importance of getting those out there dissatisfied with our current leadership to vote, and to (hopefully) vote for Kerry/Edwards. Every vote is important this year!


Dan Rather vs. George Bush

[Seen in weaktwos journal via lunza‘s friends list]

Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor

  1. Given documents he thought were true
  2. Failed to thoroughly investigate the facts
  3. Reported documents to the American people as true to make his case
  4. When confronted with the facts, apologized and launched an investigation
  5. Number of Americans dead: 0
  6. Should be fired as CBS News Anchor

George W. Bush, President of the United States

  1. Given documents he thought were true
  2. Failed to thoroughly investigate the facts
  3. Reported documents to the American people as true to make his case
  4. When confronted with the facts, continued to report untruth and stonewalled an investigation
  5. Number of Americans dead: 1100 and growing
  6. Should be given four more years as President of the United States

(Found at Democratic Underground)

This just speaks for itself.


Observations on the News: September 17, 2004

Another installment of my periodic Observations on the News:

You Can’t Make This Up: Mary-Kate Hawking Happy Meals. CNN is reporting that our favorite barely-legals have been hired to promote “Freedom Fries” in France, shilling for Mickey D’s. This comes on the heels of Mary-Kate’s release from a hospital for treatment of an eating disorder. No, folks, I don’t make this up.

What Did Does Bush Know? Not much, it seems. CNN is reporting that a U.S. intelligence forecast painted a pessimistic picture for the future of Iraq, predicting the best case for Iraq was “tenuous stability” and the worst case was civil war. Of course, the Bush administration is insisting that it knew that ahead of time, and it wasn’t a surprise. Funny, I seem to recall them saying that the toppling of the Iraqi government would make things better for the people of Iraq and the people of the US, and bring stability to the region. But, I guess if the instability wasn’t a surprise, they mean it is in the best interest of the US to have civil war in Iraq. But, then again, we went into Iraq because Hussein had WMD. But wait, according to Reuters, a draft report by the top U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq concludes no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction were found, but there was evidence Saddam Hussein intended to resurrect weapons programs. Why that is more of a risk than North Korea, which we know has such programs, is beyond me. [As an aside, why is it Iraqi, Israeli, but Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Egyptian, and sometimes -ish (British)]

Like your Hotel Room? Buy One. The Los Angeles Times (registration required) is reporting that one can now by pre-fab hotel decor, for those travelers for whom home is defined by a rock-hard bed, an alarm clock, a writing desk, and a love-seat, with generic artwork on the wall. Seriously, evidently, hotels have started selling their furniture. Guess anything can be a profit center. Although they aren’t selling them, the Sondheim song “Everyone Needs A Maid” comes to mind.

You Will Be Assimilated. We’re all aware of Microsoft of Borg, and those in the gaming community know Hasborg. We now have Symantec of Borg in the Computer Security community, as the Los Angeles Times (registration required) Symantec will be acquiring @Stake Digitial Security (those who attended ACSAC know @Stake well from its former employee, Dan Geer). This is part of Symantec’s quest to acquire all Computer Security products.

You may now return to work.
