Republicans Buying Votes?

Today I’m down visiting my father, who is still registered Republican (although he is pro-Kerry… this is an improvement from the days I remember him being staunchly Republican, and my mom being staunchly Democratic).

In any case, he showed me a mailing from the Republican party. They mailed him a fresh, crisp $1 bill, encouraging him to return it with more money for the Republican party. We were wondering, however, if this could be viewed as an attempt to buy votes. Hmmmm…. I suggested that he write them a letter back thanking them for the money, but since Kerry did so good in the debates, he was going to give it to Kerry/Edwards. Alas, I don’t think he will do that 🙁

(P.S.: I can now see what people are talking about on the new entry interface. His screen is at lower resolution, so I am running into the width problem. It is annoying; I’ll be happy to get back to semagic!)
