Bush/Cheney Does Not Espouse Judeo-Christian Values

What, you say? What do you mean: they’re against gay marriage? Those are Judeo-Christian values. They’re pro-family. They’re courting evangelicals.

I’ll say it again: Bush/Cheney do not espouse Judeo-Christian Values.

What do I mean? Well, both Judaism and Christianity teach that is is possible to repent from sinning. They teach that someone does not sin until they actually commit the act; up until that point, there is the possibility that they may repent and change their ways, even if they have sinned in the past. Repent, ye sinners!

However, the New York Times reported that V.P. Cheney is saying that it was right to attack Iraq simply because “As soon as the sanctions were lifted he had every intention of going back” to his weapons program. Well, in my mind, I have many intentions that might be illegal or immoral. I don’t act upon them. (Although the NYT link is gone, it is reported here)

Just consider what would happen if we used “intent to” as a crime, as opposed to “commission”. Let’s jail all the homosexuals: they intend to have gay marriages. Let’s jail all drivers: they intend to speed. You can see where this would lead us… down a very dangerous road.

Don’t think it is happening? What administration is jailing people and treating them as second-class citizens because of believed intents? Can you spell “C A T  S T E V E N S”? I knew you could.

And it’s not just Cheney. President Bush was making similar statements today: According to CNN, Bush acknowledged that Iraq didn’t have weapons of mass destruction at the time he ordered the invasion but said Saddam Hussein was “systematically gaming the system” and the world is safer because he is no longer in power. “He was doing so with the intent of restarting his weapons program once the world looked away,” Bush said. “Based on all the information we have to date, I believe we were right to take action.”

I’ll say it again: Bush/Cheney do not espouse Judeo-Christian Values.

Update: In good news, the Projected Final Election Map for today (October 7) shows that Kerry wins in a landslide, 538 to 0.
