Various And Sundry: BoardGameGeek and Peter Yarrow

  1. Looks like the BoardGameGeek New Geeklist feed (bggnewgeeklists) is updating again, but has some formatting problems.
  2. ellipticcurve alerted me to the fact that Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary is doing a concert at Whittier College on Friday, February 24, at 8:00 p.m. in the Shannon Center. Tickets are $20 $35 (I misread the announcement). Now I have to decide if I want to go… I’d have to head out to Whittier straight from work, but it might be fun.
  3. I’ve had this odd idea for a project to help the road infrastructure. Let’s have a personalized license plate where we could get route shields on the license, with proceeds supporting Caltrans. That might entice me to get one.

(meme) Web Meme, and a few reminders of past things…

As I was riding the van into work today, I thought of the following potential meme:

Through my postings and my interests lists here, you have likely built up an idea about who I am. Demonstrate that, by referring me to a web page you think I’d find of interest that you don’t believe I already know about.


A few days ago, I did the icon meme. This is the meme (as I presented it) that asks you to look at my userpics, and then comment with the following (providing explanations if possible): (1) One that makes you automatically think of me; (2) One that you think I should totally use more often; (3) One that you think I overuse; and (4) One that you don’t get/needs more explanation/you have no idea why the hell I have it. I do encourage folks to respond to this; I do try to choose my userpics with care.


I also keep reminding folks to beware the Tower. For those unfamilar with this, it is an announcement of a new Austin Lounge Lizards net-video for Consumers Union called “The Tower“, and it is about fighting the FCCs attempt to regulate media behind closed doors. In short, Congress is about to move forward on a plan to sell some of the public’s most valuable airwaves to telecommunications giants as part of its budget process. It also pokes at the growing single-ownedness of the media these days, which limits the voices we hear. You can see the video and learn more at It comes on the heels of the first video they did for CU, The Drugs I Need, about the marketing that the drug industry does.


Yesterday and Today


  • Went to Games Day 23 in Burbank. Played 10 Days in Africa, Metro, Ticket to Ride, Carcassone, There’s a Moose in the House, and probably something else I can’t remember.
  • Had my cousin Cecelia over for dinner. We haven’t had the time to sit down and talk for age; it was a delightful evening. We must see her again.


  • Work on cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc.
  • Work on the highway, and possibly the FAQ, web pages.
  • Listen to some new CDs. I just received Babes in Arms, Dirty Rotten Soundrels, The Point! (Nilsson), Little Criminals (Randy Newman), the Muppet Show, the Wild Party, and All-Time Top 100 TV Themes. “People let me tell you ’bout my best friend….”
  • In the evening, meet with a game designer from out of the county who needs to rules to the game Word Wars, which is a very rare game (only 3 people on BGG have a copy).