Observations on Christmas Dinner

(Yeah! The lights are back on. Don’t ask me why (I’m guessing some intermittant switch problems or dirty contacts in the switch).)

Tonight was the first Christmas dinner I’ve been to since, oh, I was 10ish. Nothing that religious. Alas, I ate too much popcorn at the theatre, and thus wasn’t that hungry. What I did sample was good, however. My daughter was eager to open presents (to the point of peeking), but I think the expectation that built wasn’t met (as she got the bulk of her stuff at Chanukah). Still, I’ve just been sort of quiet tonight… probably all the popcorn!

Did get one good game of Ticket to Ride in. Although my daughter initially blocked me out of Vancouver (-20 points for not making that route), I ended up getting a good route system that let me draw and draw destinations: I made a total of 64 points of destinations, so luck was with me.


Ah, Holiday Parties

Today, we had the family Chanukah party, delayed until everyone could attend. It was the usual family party: latkes, briskets, and special diets. Children underfoot. Interesting gifts: some hits, some misses. But we had fun, and I got a real neat book on musicals. More importantly, I got some stuff that I could spend on m’self without feeling guilty… there went the first page of my Amazon wishlist (well, mostly… 13 items, of which two are books (one for my wife, one for my stepmother); 1 is a DVD (The Great Race); and the rest are CDs (Follies (1971), Sherry!, How to Succeed (1960s), Sweeny Todd, Side by Side by Sondheim (1976 London), Lucky Stiff, Best of Randy Newman, Zorba, and two CDs to replace ones that have gone missing (which means they’ll turn up now): Boy from Oz, and Thor. Modern Millie).

Other than that, not that much to report for the day.

As a reminder: If you’re a friend of ours, and you’ll be in the LA area on New Years Eve, and have an interest in Boardgaming, please comment and let me know.


Memories, or …. “So Thats Where I Get It From”

Today, I’ve been working at home going through my dad’s paperwork, and making phone calls. It is at times reconnecting (I’ve made a few calls to folks I haven’t spoken to in years) and frustrating (discovering some of the stuff that my mother did ages ago that may still live to haunt me). I’ve found history I’ve never known about, such as my father’s diplomas from elementary school, my mom’s Jewish confirmation certificate, the divorce degree from my father’s first marrage (which he never talked about)… and the picture to the right.

Folks probably know I’m a gamer. I love playing board games. What I never knew was that my brother was as well. This picture shows him excitedly opening a copy of Avalon Hill’s Civil War, an early war game. I recalled in the fog of my memory seeing the game Air Empire—that must have been Rick’s as well.

Wow. Thirty-four years after my brother’s death, and I’m learning new things about him. I wonder if my father was a gamer when he was young, although his family was probably too poor to afford such games.



Today has been a day of reconnecting.

The morning started with gf_guruilla and ellipticcurve getting ready for the family party in the afternoon. I, on the other hand, took S&F to religious school, picked up some needed items, and came back home to make the phone calls. You know what I mean: the ones where I get to call a lot of my dad’s friends and pass on the sad news. Although the news was sad, it was actually nice to make the calls. Why? I got to reconnect with quite a few people I hadn’t spoken to or seen in ages. Folks that were there for me when I grew up; parents of friends from my first synagogue; clients of my parent’s accounting firm; relatives I haven’t spoken too in years. It reminded me of how easy it is to let relationships fall by the wayside as we grow up, go to college, start a family, and form our own individual set of friends. We start to neglect those who were family to us growing up, because they were the friends of our parents. This isn’t a good thing; we’re missing a lot of neat people.

In the afternoon we had the family party. Although this could have been maudlin, given the recent circumstances, it wasn’t. Rather, we got to celebrate S&F’s birthday, watch the cousins from two different sides of the family (my side and my wife’s side) interact and play together, and (again) reconnect with family and friends. In the evening, another friend came by (S&F’s godfather), who we hadn’t seen in about a year. We had a great time just shooting the breeze; we’re going to get together again once we’re past the next four weekends.

So… I’m tired. Not that weepy, although I did have one point where I just stopped and stood, and thought about how I would miss my dad. It was probably the normal time on a Sunday evening when I would give him a call to catch up on the last week. I think, if he watched today, he would be glad to see the reconnecting, because he always loved family and friends.

A last big Thank You to ellipticcurve, who made this weekend a success. From her marvelous baking skills, to her fantastic help, she was just a wonder. In a short year and a half, she has really become part of our family. Those of you who don’t know her are truly missing something.


A Taste of Normalcy

My daughter’s 10th birthday is Wednesday. Long before my dad’s accident, we had planned this weekend as her birthday weekend. We are still doing her birthday parties this weekend. She needs that normalcy, and my dad would have wanted it that way. So, my wife (gf_guruilla) and ellipticurve (whose been very busy baking) have pulled together an English Tea Party for today. There will be about 6 young ladies (10ish, guys, so calm down) together with S&F’s grandmothers.

Me? Some birthday parties I can handle. Tea party? Nope. I’m going gaming. Today is the day of the Games Gather in La Cañada. I missed the last Games Day due to my father’s accident, and I really need a day of gaming just to unwind. So, I’m going to play games all day. S&F and ellipticcurve will be joining me at the Games Gather after the Tea Party is over, allowing gf_guruilla some decompression time.

So, I think today will be an island of normalcy in this crazy time. Tomorrow we’ll get back to straightening things out (although we’ll have a family gettogether in the afternoon), working towards the funeral on Thursday. I’ve got the funeral information on my dad’s blog.


So Long, Dad

[Why the icon? One of the ways I view this icon is “Father and Son”. The dates are about right: A 1934 shield and a 1964 shield. A 1922 dad and a 1960 son.]

cahwyguy (1960-) and Adrian Faigin (1922-2004)

If I ever have the chance, I’ll be there for you
To share the rarest gift I ever knew, I ever knew
If you need me…
(Peter Yarrow, Whispered Words)

My father died yesterday. You can find the details in the blog from the automobile accident (see grandpa_a); that’s not the purpose of this post.

My father died yesterday. And I’ll miss him. This is a remembrance post, for me to let you know who he was, and to preserve it.

My father was born in Flushing NY in 1922. He was the eldest of four brothers; the son of a tailor who lived over his shop. I can’t give you too many details of the early days; Uncle Herbert can (and perhaps he will reply to this post and do so). His mother died young, when he was in his twenties, and sometime thereafter, his family moved to Los Angeles (how’s that for glossing over details). My dad went to Southwestern School of Accounting, and was a Public Accountant. He married his first wife in the late 1940s, and my brother was born in 1952. He loved my brother very, very much. He divorced that wife in 1955, and retained custody of my brother. He married my mother in 1956, and I was born in 1960. My mother was a CPA, so they formed an accounting company of their own, Faigin and Faigin. My brother died, reported due to an accident (I never knew the true details) in 1970. It devistated both my parents. My mother died in 1990 on my wedding anniversary. My father remarried a year or so later to Rae, who had lost her husband. This brought me some new wonderful family members. This should bring you up to date on the familial backstory.

So, who was my dad, and what do I remember. This is a jagged collection of memories.

I remember being in Indian Guides with him, painting rocks and bark to invite people to meetings. I remember going on Indian Guide campouts with him. It is because of this that I did Indian Princesses with my daughter, continuing the tradition. I recommend this program to anyone who is a dad.

I remember going on trips with him to East Los Angeles, to visit his clients. We would hit small mom and pop grocery stores, mexican candy companies. I’d always get sweets… and get to sort the paid bills afterwards.

I remember him taking the time to be with me.

I remember him telling bad jokes, and being enamored with old-time radio stars, such as Al Jolsen (his favorite), Eddie Cantor, Jack Benny, and so on.

I remember his teeth. Specifically, I remember how he would remove his dentures just to gross out us kids.

I remember him taking me to the Dorothy Chandler Pavillion to see musicals, starting in 1972 when my mother was too sick to attend The Rothschilds. From this came my love of musicals.

I remember him reading Robert W. Service to me, especially Bessies Boil.

I remember him, at the Passover Seder, reading the Four Sons. He loved to act, mug, and play with his voice to make a point during the story.

I remember him being active in the Masons and the Shriners, especially with his good friend, Raymond Schwartz. I remember him going to the Masonic Picnics.

I remember him playing bridge with my mom and their friends, the Cohens, the Schwartzes, and the Strausses. Perhaps this is where I got my love of gaming.

I remember him telling stories of his time in the Navy, when he was a pharmacists mate, 2nd class, at Camp Elliott, which is now part of Mirimar NAS in San Diego. He found it ironic that he was in the Navy, as he could never swim.

I remember his disorganized toolbench, where eventually you could find what you need. I still have his 30 year old power drill, which I still use today.

I remember him taking care of my mother as she died of cancer, and fiercly defending her when we would fight.

In his later years, I remember him fighting with the computer, and eventually learning to use it and to use Email. However, he could never quite get the printer figured out. I would get calls from him that stuff wasn’t printing, and it was because he had been playing with the printer queue again.

I remember him cooking. He loved to cook peppers and onions in olive oil. He made a mean spaghetti sauce, and a great pot roast in tomatoe sauce. Rae says that I got my cooking skills from him, with which I must agree, as I don’t think my mom could cook.

I remember him collecting autographs and first day covers. For many, he would frame them and put them all over the walls.

I remember his love of baseball, which never rubbed off.

I remember him taking pictures. And more pictures. And more pictures. And still more pictures. I’ll probably find about 50 cameras at the house, together with probably 200 photo albums. In particular, I remember a few specific cameras: His Konica T-3 SLR, which I have. His Fuji POS, which he received at a special party my mother threw for him at the Magic Castle in Hollywood.

I remember him loving fountain pens, just like me. He had boxes of pens, and even more ink. He’s the only man I know that has a quart bottle of Schaeffer Black Quink Ink in his supply closet. There are about 6 bottles of ink on his desk (I only have 3).

I remember him being a luddite when it comes to computerizing financies. I’m going to have loads of two-peg journal books to go through to figure out stocks and bank accounts.

I remember him being a packrat. He collected office supplies. He collected biographical books. He collected CDs. You name it, he collected it.

I remember him being a good friend and caring about other people. After my mother died and he remarried, his new wife’s children were treated the same as his natural children, with the same love. He was a second grandfather to my sister-in-law’s children. He was there when people needed him. Until his last year, he volunteered to help seniors with their taxes.

For many years, I remember him being a staunch Republican, going counter to my mother, the strong liberal. I remember him backing Nixon and Reagan. This year, however, had he been strong enough, he was going to vote for John Kerry.

I remember him being a people person. He would just light up when he was around people, especially those that hadn’t heard his stories before.

I remember him being there for me and my family. We spoke weekly on the phone, something I will miss, talking about everything. He had good advice, which I grew to respect as I got older. To the youngsters reading this: listen to your parents. They’ve been their and made the same mistakes. They do know what they are talking about.

I remember his love for his granddaughter, “Small and Feisty”. He had pictures of her everywhere, and she loved him. I remember him taking her to Disneyland when she was three, and being there in the hospital when she had her open heart surgery at the age of four.

I remember his love for his family. He enjoyed spending time with his brothers, Herbert, Ronald, and Tom, and researching family history. When my daughter was little, we picked up a copy of Grandfather Remembers and gave it to him. He filled it out, and now it is a lasting memory for her of her grandfather. To those of you who are grandparents: take the time now to write out your memories for your grandchildren. Record an oral history. Annotate your photo albums. It is worth the time. You will create that memory that will outlive you.

I remember how he loved Yiddish and Yiddish stories. I remember him reading the Freiheit. Recently, the PRI program The World had a report on a Klezmer version of Peter and the Wolf called Pinchus and the Pig, narrated by Maurice Sendak. He would have loved it.

I remember how he loved his wives (OK, I don’t remember anything about his first wife, Jean). I remember how he loved my mother, Nancy, even through the depths of her depression, her anger, her rages, her illnesses. I remember how he rarely lost his temper (and when he did, you needed to worry). I remember when he first told me he had met Rae, and how they quickly grew to love each other. Even though there was an age difference there, I saw the deep affection that existed between them. Through this recent illness, I’ve gotten to know Rae very well, and she has moved from being “my father’s wife” to “my stepmother”. He chose well.

I remember how he touched people. A few months ago, I went to a funeral that was packed to the gills of people who loved the deceased. My father had friends all over the world, and helped many people.

In short, I remember a deeply caring man, who I really think was responsible for making me the way I am today (both for good and for bad). He does live on in me, and I think he lives on in my daughter as well. As long as we remember someone, they never die. My daughter, talking to me last night, said (paraphrased) “Dad, don’t worry. Your daddy’s soul will be reborn in someone else… and that person will be a very lucky person.”

So long, Dad.

Home again and the streets are not much cleaner
And the quaint old south side scenery
Is quaint no more
Just older than before
Go up the stairs and down the hallway
To my daddy’s door
Your son is home, Dad, and he’s found a girl
And she’s the greatest girl in all the world
I think you’ll like her, Dad, I hope you do
But if you don’t that’s alright, too
What’s new? Do you still work at the drugstore?
Is that true? Still polishing the same floor?
I missed my good old Dad
My but I’m glad to see you
So long Dad
(Randy Newman)

[Please, if you have any remembrances, share them.]


Reminder: Status Updates in my Dad’s Blog

As a reminder, I’m posting at least twice daily status updates on my father’s condition in his blog, grandpa_a. It seems to be slowly improving, although not as fast as I would like (I want him well and whole, dammit!). Some things that I would think (being a layperson) are a step back, according to the nurses, are forward movement (such as the tracheotomy). Somtimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing, but luckily, that’s his wife’s decision to make. My sister-in-law pointed out that he should be fully functional (both mentally and physically) when he is healed, and if he wanted to go, he would have gone by now. So, I’ll just keep plugging away, praying for his speedy recovery.
