And That’s How The Company Changes Hands…

According to an article in the Los Angeles Times (registration required), DigitalNet is being acquired by BAE:

BAE Systems, Europe’s largest defense company, confirmed Sunday that it had agreed to acquire DigitalNet Holdings Inc. for $494.4 million to expand sales in the United States.

My history with this company goes back to almost when I started at my current employer. You see, Honeywell Federal had this project, which we called “Son of SCOMP” (the first A1 system), which was the XTS-200 (targeted at B3).  I was one of the evaluators on this. Later, Honeywell Federal was spun off and became HFSI (I spent weeks doing testing at their office in McLean VA; ask me the story of the 10lb chocolate bar). HFSI became Wang Federal. Wang Federal became Getronics Government. Getronics Government became DigitalNet. And now DigitalNet… Meanwhile, the XTS-200 became the -300 (on commodity hardware), then the -400, and I think the current version is the -500… still high assurance!

As they sang in Tenderloin, …and that’s how the company changes hands…
