School Paperwork: LAUSD is Clueless

This evening, I’m filling out the usual passle of paperwork from my daughter’s school. One of the forms is for health insurance, and has a check box at the top:

No. My child already has health insurance.

The next line on the form says: “Only complete this form if your child does not have health insurance. Now, if I don’t need to complete the form if she has health insurance, why have the silly check box!

[Edit: Here’s a picture of the form:]

[End Edit]

And why, oh why, can’t the emergency information form have space for cell phone #s and email! Perhaps give us a print out of last year’s form, and ask for corrections? That would be too easy.

Back to the paperwork…


2 Replies to “School Paperwork: LAUSD is Clueless”

  1. That”s what they hope you think, but believe me the confusion and chaos are deliberate. In the case of the forms, there is more likely than not an ugly motive for creating so much unnecessary paperwork. Nepotism is so rampant there are probaly a daozen non essential employees filing, writing and peivpces sing this stuff at 80 grand a year each with full benefits.. We both know that computers are now universal enough to be in most homes. It would cut so much time and waste to simply communicate and exchange information online.. Forms would be sent home with an option to do this and those who didn’t could use the old away it my guess is few would need it.
    We know that computers an sort language, data and the rest more efficiently and accurately hat humans. Here’s a tidbit. Damone Cortenes stubbornly refused to learn computer and never used one. He had to assistants with such a rate of pay it is galling to hear teacher’s are paid too much. I can’t verify the amount but some said 100 k a grand yearly for mere personal assistant ‘s p.a.
    I urge you to scrutinize your daughters’ school and policy closely. The people runn g these schools cannot be trusted.
    Google Belmont High School, toxic site and corruption. The full disclosure episodes are particularly informative Join us in the war to save public education.

    1. Note that you are commenting on a post from 2004.

      In any case, I doubt the motive is nepotism. More than likely, it is to get more people to apply for school lunches, which brings the school more title 1 funds, which is the primary way that schools get funded these days.

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