Many Trivial Questions Meme

A many-trivial-questions meme, snarfed from
aliza250, who snarfed it from

About Me:

  • Name: Daniel Faigin
  • Birthplace: Los Angeles vicinity, Calif., USA. I’m a native Californian, and proud of it!
  • Current Loc: Work near the airport, live in the San Fernando Valley, Calif.,
  • Height: Just right, but getting shorter as I get older
  • Handed: Left
  • Heritage: Eastern European Jewish (Pale of Settlement
    (Vitebsk), Odessa), plus a little bit of Alsace-Lorraine, France
  • Nationality: US citizen
  • Profession: Computer Security specialist. See my
    resume for
  • Weaknesses: I’m lazy, impatient, and have excessive
  • Strengths: I’m lazy, impatient, and have excessive hubris. Let
    me explain. Larry Wall has often said that
    properties of a programmer
    are laziness, impatience, and excessive hubris.
  • Fears: Not being listened to; always being “outside”
  • Perfect Pizza: Chicken, spinach, and good feta cheese. Either
    that, or a simple thin-crust cheese pizza, so hot that the cheese actually
    slides off as you eat it.
  • Goals: Happy at work, happy at home. A good life for my
  • Bedtime: (sheepishly) between 10:00 PM
    and 12:00 AM. I don’t get enough sleep, I’m sure.
  • First thought on waking up: Is it already 4:50 AM (I normally get up at 4:50 AM; when
    I sleep in, I sleep to 6:30 AM)
  • Best Physical Feature: I’m a guy—don’t ask me :-). I’m
    sure my wife has some opinions.
  • Most Missed Memory: My childhood. Seriously. I really don’t
    remember much before the age of 12ish.


  • Pepsi or Coke: Kosher L’Pesach Coke, i.e., no high-fructose
    corn syrup.
  • McDonald’s or Burger King: Feh.
    In-N-Out Burger rocks.
  • Adidas or Nike: New
  • Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Feh! Give me real tea. Iced
  • Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate, dark.
  • Cappuccino or coffee: Feh! Coffee belongs only in ice cream or
    covered in dark chocolate.

Do you…

  • Cuss: When appropriate.
  • Sing: When the mood strikes me. For certain albums I can’t
    help myself: Hairspray, Two Gentlemen of Verona, most Jewish
    music, Peter, Paul, and Mary.
  • Do you think you’ve been in love: Yes. I’ll note that the
    style of love changes as you get into a relationship. I’ve experienced the
    gamut, from crushes to a mature, enduring love and respect.
  • Want to get married: OBE, since 1985!
  • Get motion sickness: Rarely. Once on really choppy seas
    between San Pedro and Catalina.
  • Think you’re attractive: Some days, but there’s too much grey
    in my beard, and too much air in the spare tire.
  • Think you’re a health freak: No. I need to get back up to the
  • Get along with your parents: My dad, yes. My mom—well, we
    had our differences.
  • Like thunderstorms: Sometimes, but usually not.
  • Play an instrument: I play the Cassette Recorder 🙂

In the past month…

  • Drank alcohol: Nope, other than a little on Shabbat. When I drink
    too much, I talk more. This is not a good thing.
  • Smoked: Hell no.
  • Done a drug: Prescriptions and OTC only.
  • Gone to the mall: Yup. Bought lots of windows, and camp stuff
    for small and feisty.
  • Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No.
  • Eaten sushi: Yes, although alas it was from Trader Joes, as
    opposed to a real sushi place. I’m up for an expedition, tho…
  • Been on stage: No.
  • Been dumped: Well, I’ve view how the congregation is treating
    as dumping.
  • Gone skinny dipping: No
  • Stolen anything: No.


  • Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.
  • Gotten beaten up: Not really, although I was teased as a
  • Changed who you were to fit in: Probably, but it never worked
    so I gave up.
  • Numbers and Names of Children: One, currently 9½. I
    avoid plastering her name over the net, so she is variously referred to as
    Small and Feisty (S&F) or bitlet.
  • Describe your Dream Wedding: Close to what we actually had,
    except without the discord between my mom and my wife.
  • How do you want to die: Painlessly, after leaving a full and
    good life. I want a lot of folks at my funeral, demonstrating that my life
    touched a lot of people in a good way (i.e., they’re not just there to make
    sure I’m actually gone).
  • What do you want to be when you grow up: Do I have to?
  • Country would you most like to visit: Australia. I’ve been to
    Israel and England, and would like to go back. I’d also like to see parts of
    Europe. I’m less interested in visiting Asia. Of course, there’s just so much to see
    here in America it’s amazing. Think about it: if you visit one state a year, it
    would take 50 years (OK, so it doesn’t take long to visit Rhode Island).
  • Number of people I could trust with my life: Don’t know. I’d
    hope 10-12.
  • Number of CDs that I own: Certainly over 300 600, basically
    breaking down into musicals, folk, pop, Jewish music, jazz, and comedy.
  • Number of piercings: 0
  • Number of tattoos: 0
  • Number of scars on my body: A few minor ones. I’ve had no
    major surgery.
  • Hospitalizations: none.
  • Number of things in my past that I regret: Not getting to know
    my brother better. Other than that, I can’t regret too much, for things were
    different, I wouldn’t be where I am now.
  • Last movie seen: Harry Potter 3.
  • Last book read: No Phule Like an Old Phule, Robert
  • Daily jewelry: wedding ring, wrist or pocket watch