(meme) Meta Meme -> (meme) Website Meme

Well, I can’t think of much to post on (brain dead tonight), so I think I’ll do a meme. Tonight, I decided to do the metameme:

  1. Go to your friendfriends list (or your friends list, if you are a free user).

  2. Do the first meme or quiz that you find.

So, tonight we have a BBQ meme, prepared by have_inner_lady on my friendsfriends list (who has estherchaya as the common friend):

You are metafilter.com You're involved in the community.  You like to share with your friends. You're into omphaloskepsis. You like pancakes and the color blue.
Which Website are You?

Commentary: This is interesting, as I have never been to metafilter. However, it does look like a fascinating website! And yes, I am involved in the community, like to share with my friends, am into pancakes, and like the color blue (and brown). However, I’m not into omphaloskepsis.

Note: This entry was originally posted on Observations Along The Road (on cahighways.org) as this entry by California Highway Guy. You may comment either here or there (where there are comment(s)).
