Friday News Chum

Although it has been a quiet news week, I have accumulated a few items in the ‘ol bookmark:

  • From the “Only in New York” Department: Two items here. In the first, a judge in Manhatten has ruled that a 4-year old can be sued. What happened is this: two 4-year-old girls riding their training-wheeled bikes on the sidewalk on East 52nd Street last year ran into an 87-year-old woman, who broke a hip and died three weeks later. While courts have held that a child under the age of 4 cannot be held liable for negligence, Justice Paul Wooten noted that the defendant, Juliet Breitman, was nearly 5.

    In the second item, there is only one cow in Manhatten: a 14-year old Dexter Cow living at the Central Park Zoo.

  • From the “Only in Nevada” Department: Yesterday, I wrote about a political situation that appeared to be only in Oklahoma: outlawing Islamic Law. Here’s a uniquely Nevada item: the role of “None of the Above” on the Nevada ballot. Only Nevada provides the option of voting for “None of these Clowns”, and it can play into the end results.
  • From the “Why is OCT 31 like DEC 25” Department: I betcha thought it was good to have Halloween on Sunday: after all, you don’t have to do it after-school. Think again. A number of municipalities have officially changed the date of Halloween to Saturday night. There are a variety of reasons: to avoid trampling on the Christian sabbath, or because it is a school night. All I know is that if anyone shows up Saturday night to get candy at our house, they won’t get any. They won’t get any Sunday night either, but for a different reason.
  • From the “Where Do The Elephants Go? Department: Lastly, the St. Louis paper answers that age-old question: Where do Ice Cream shops go in the winter?. Answer: They sell Christmas trees.