January Changes to California Highways

Well, the January Changes to California Highways are up. It’s been a quiet month…

For a change, I had no link updates either mailed to me or posted on M.T.R. In a few months, I’ll do the annual link verification, which I’m sure will lead to a bunch of them, but for today… I had none to worry about.

Updated information on the following routes, based on my research(1), and contributions of information on leads (via direct mail or Usenet) from John Cooper(2), Carlos Fernandez(3), Cameron Kaiser(4):Route 7(2), Route 24(3), Route 152(1), US 395(4)

Checked for legislative updates. It appears no new legislation was introduced since the last review.

Updated the statistics on the progress of the exit mile numbering. Thanks to Don Howe of Caltrans for this information.

Checked to see if there was a January CTC Agenda to review. The meeting hasn’t occurred yet, so I’m deferring incorporating the changes. It is scheduled for 1/31-2/1.

[Crossposted to cahwyguy and ]
