Universities and My Employer

I’m a member of the Industry Advisory Board of the School of Engineering and Computer Science at California State University, Northridge. Now, I never attended CSUN (although gf_guruilla did), but I believe that CSUN’s programs actually trains better practicing engineers than does UCLA’s program (my alma mater, which trains better researchers). Through this program, I try to help improve and promote the Engineering School.

For years, I’ve been trying to get my employer to recognize CSUN as a real university. It seems they are willing to work with any UC campus, and even campuses that don’t offer Master’s Degrees (Harvey Mudd), and even the University of Spoiled Children… but to get them to recognize CSUN, which is producing outstanding engineers and has a computer security program, is very difficult.

Well, after three months of work, I’ve finally done the first step: I’ve got a date scheduled for the Dean of the Engineering School, and likely some other folks (probably the development chair and I’m sure a department chair) to meet with my management. I finally feel like I’ve done something useful for the school.

(Which is good news, because otherwise I have no energy today)
