Various and Sundry Updates

As I’m home because I have a 9:00 AM ENT appointment, some miscellaneous updates.

First, a big “yasher koach” to gf_guruilla, who made a fantastic dent in cleaning the Sewing Room on Wednesday. It’s looking 200% better! She has a quilting class today.

Second, cheers for S&F, who has let me help her with 2-digit division and show her how to use the distributive law to estimate in her head. Last night, whilst doing homework, she watched Showboat (the 1936 version) with me, and actually got caught up in it.

As for me: Slight headache today. My internist still believes they are being triggered by the sinuses and allergies, and I’m inclined to believe him, as often a decongestant or antihistamine helps to knock them down. But who knows? Any headache specialists out there? They typically start with sensitivity on the bridge of my nose near my right eye, which triggers a nerve to the back of the head. This often triggers a full-blown headache on the right side.

My arm (i.e., the irritated nerve that makes my left arm tingle when I look down) is still bothering me, although less than yesterday. It is still disconcerting to move wrong and have your arm tingle. I thought it might be a side-effect of the antibiotics/expectorant, but I don’t see it listed in their descriptions. Sigh.

Work is still work. A little bit busier, but I’m dealing with the same headaches (validations not moving forwards, program office frustrations). The conference in Tucson is getting closer (we have one more committee meeting, meaning it is now two months away), and I’ll be out Baltimore-way for a Validator’s Workshop in Columbia MD the week of the 18th.

I guess that’s about it for now.

Update after ENT visit: The sinuses are clearing, but he still wants me to get a CAT scan of the sinuses to see if we can figure out what is causing the headache. Finding the time to schedule it will be a problem: it needs to be after Wednesday of next week to let the antibiotics get out of my system; I have meetings on Thursday, and fly out the following Monday to Columbia MD for M-Th. He’s recommended this imaging center; as they have email, I’ve tried emailing them to see if I can coordinate an appointment.
