SP2 is installed (no thanks to Microsoft or HP)

Friday, I wrote about how I couldn’t get SP2 to install due to an “Access is Denied” error.

Yesterday, I wrote about how HP support was clueless on solving the problem. Microsoft was equally clueless: they had removed the page on how to solve the problem, but when I found it in the Google Cache,  all it said was to fix the registry keys. Right.

However, a google search did turn up this page in someone’s blog, which talks about downloading the setacl tool, and using it to fix the permissions. I did.

SP2 is now installed. So far, no problems. (I should also note that when I got to my dad’s yesterday, SP2 was already installed, the firewall was running, and his antivirus was up to date. I don’t know how he did it, but—yeah Dad!)

In Other News:
S&F just got off to religious school, after a little bit of fighting (she’s like her dad, and doesn’t want to learn Hebrew—however, I’m not letting her get away with it like my folks let me). This afternoon we’re visiting some friends in their Sukkah, and then S&F goes off to see the Karate Kid, while we go to dinner at Rabbi Jim’s house.
