Hidden Effects of Transit Cutbacks/Changes: NYC, Chicago, San Francisco

Two articles today highlighted some interesting ancillary effects of transit changes:

  • In New York, there are major changes happening to subway routes. The W and V routes are being eliminated and the M has a new route. The side effect of all this: About $600,000 in signage changes. The transit agency must replace some 3,000 signs and 25,000 maps, all to be switched out within the span of about two weeks before the service changes take effect. The replacements range in size and price. A small vinyl M decal, newly orange, may cost the agency about $25 to produce. A giant porcelain sign, like “42 St — Times Square,” costs about $300 to make.
  • In Chicago, the change isn’t routes but cars. CTA has changed from cars that seat two-together with an aisle to a New York configuration with passengers facing each other and lots of standing room. The side effect of this change: according to the article, people are friendlier to each other and talk. But people also stand closer together, decreating the personal bubble. Will this turn Chicago-folk into New York-folk? Time will tell.

Now, a series of service cutbacks are going into effect in the San Francisco area. No lines are disappearing, and the cars aren’t changing, but service frequency is significantly decreasing. I wonder what the side effects of this will be?


Birthday Wishes for kuni_izumi

OK, Folks, you know the drill. Allright everyone, let’s gather in front of our large, 13″, Black and White TV set, and watch as a tall, lanky man in a khaki uniform strides out, introduces himself as Sheriff John, and pulls out his accordion, and then starts singing the Birthday Cake Polka for kuni_izumi:

Put another candle on my birthday cake
We’re gonna bake a birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I’m another year old today

I’m gonna have a party with my birthday cake
Come on and take some birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I’m another year old today

    We’ll have some pie and sandwiches
And chocolate ice cream too
We’ll sing and play the day away
And one more thing I’m gonna do

I’ll blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And when I do, a wish I’ll make
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I’m another year old today

Happy Birthday to You
You’re another year old today.

[Did you know you can pick which song the Sheriff sings for you on your birthday? It’s easy. Just visit the 6th Annual Birthday Poll on Livejournal or the parallel note on Facebook. Note that if you want the birdie to be able to inform the Sheriff about your birthday, you need to make sure your birth month and day is in your LJ or FB profile, and it is visible to your friends. Note that the Sheriff only sings a song if I know you personally or you’re a regular commenter. So don’t lurk!]
