(meme) Meta Meme -> (meme) Website Meme

Well, I can’t think of much to post on (brain dead tonight), so I think I’ll do a meme. Tonight, I decided to do the metameme:

  1. Go to your friendfriends list (or your friends list, if you are a free user).
  2. Do the first meme or quiz that you find.

So, tonight we have a BBQ meme, prepared by have_inner_lady on my friendsfriends list (who has estherchaya as the common friend):

You are metafilter.com You're involved in the community.  You like to share with your friends. You're into omphaloskepsis. You like pancakes and the color blue.
Which Website are You?

Commentary: This is interesting, as I have never been to metafilter. However, it does look like a fascinating website! And yes, I am involved in the community, like to share with my friends, am into pancakes, and like the color blue (and brown). However, I’m not into omphaloskepsis.


(meme update) Dichotomy Meme Analyzed

On Tuesday, I posted the following meme: “Pick ONE from each pair that you think describes me the best & leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.” The following is how I see myself:

  • dominant or submissive [2/3]. The “wishy-washy”-ness of the question shows in the answers I got, and my answer. Certainly, I’m neither in terms of the more adult use of the terms: I believe in equanimity. But in terms of life in general, it is hard to answer. I will certainly take charge when appropriate, and tend not to meekly submit. But that’s more “leader or follower”. I’m not sure that in a group I tend to dominate, but I also don’t submit to the results. So I really don’t know how to answer this, other than “or”.
  • logical or intuitive [5/0]. Folks got this one. I tend to work out problems logically, which explains why I always wanted to be in the hard sciences, and was never a “north campus” (in UCLA terms) kind of person.
  • social or loner [5/0]. Again, pretty much on, although there are times I do want to isolate. But I would rather be around people, and I find I get energy from being around people.
  • kinky or vanilla [0/5]. Actually, more Praline Nut Crunch :-). Seriously, I do think vanilla is the right term, no matter how my mind my veer into the gutter at times, I don’t think the body would ever follow. I tend to prefer the stable and known, which does fit vanilla.
  • cute or sophisticated [2/3]. I would have no idea how to answer this question, so I’m not surprised folks had trouble with it. Sophisticated is probably closer, given my love of theatre as opposed to “cutsey” kitsch.
  • kitten or puppy [1/4]. I’m sorry, but I’m a dog person. Grew up with them, although I prefer miniature or medium size dogs. Give me a good miniature poodle, cockapoo, or cocker spaniel any day. Irish setters or springer spaniels will do in a pinch. I’m also more like a dog: you can take me on walks, I’m loyal, I like to talk, I’m social, I like to swim, and I mark my territory (just joking).
  • warm flannel sheets or sleek satin [5/0]. Flannel. That’s me. Warm, soft, and comfortable. Durable. Something that doesn’t create friction and raise static. Utilitarian. Not too frayed at the edges. Not overly sexy. A little bit of pill when rubbed too hard. [Note to deedeebythebay, who I judged as Satin: I’m not saying that satin is bad… rather, it conveys a sensuousness that I don’t see myself as having, a smoothness, a lack of friction.]
  • leader or follower [5/0]. I do tend to lead, although I’m not a big manager type. But I do like to be in the forefront, so I can see where I’m going and avoid the pits.
  • quiet or talkative [1/4]. C’mon. I once got seven D’s in 2nd grade for talking too much. I was “Little Running Mouth” in Indian Guides. And you don’t want to get me drunk, for I talk even more. Hell, look at how long my posts are here :-). No one has ever accused me of being quiet!
  • spontaneous or planned [0/5]. Definately planned. Three years ago, we did a vacation without making reservations in advance. Immensely frustrating, in terms of where we would stay each night. Give me planned ahead anytime. I guess this is why I spend more on theatre than I should: I could never do the last-minute half-price tickets!

BTW, note the name of the current music. One of my favorite songs! Also, if you’re interesting in boardgaming in the northern San Fernando Valley on Sunday, February 20, please drop me a note.


(meme) Personality Meme

A lunch meme, prepared with finesse by underpope:

You Have A Type A Personality

You are hyper, energetic, and always on the mood.
You tend to succeed at everything you attempt, and if you don’t succeed at first, you quickly climb your way to the top!
You could be called a workaholic, but you also make time for fun.
As long as it’s high energy and competitive, you’re interested.
You have the perfect personality for business and athletic success

The answer doesn’t surprise me, although those that know me would look askance at “athletic success”. Does the answer surprise you?


(meme) Sense of Humor Meme

A morning meme for with your tea, provided by tuluum:

20 Questions to a Better Sense of Humor

Sunny/Dark: 8/10
drY/Gross: 5/10
Traditional/Offbeat: 4/10
Active/Passive: 4/10

Quiz Analysis

You are a DGT–Dark Gross Traditional. This makes you a Prankster.

Comedy for you is when a person is kept in the most discomfort for the longest period of time. This means practical jokes, pranks, and sticking a hair up a sleeping person’s nose so he slaps himself awake.

You are probably locked in some terrifying practical joke one-ups-manship with a like-minded soul. You are also probably a dude.

You are able to acknowledge that Dumb and Dumber was a good movie, and that makes you a good person.

You might like Meet the Parents, Punk’d, and that part in Bruce Campbell’s If Chins Could Kill where he convinces a friend that his car has been shoved off a cliff. I’m not describing this adequately. You got to read it.

Of the 5197 people who have taken this quiz, 13.9 % are this type.

Your Active humor score of 4/10 means you’re a yellow dash of comedy down the middle of the humorous road. You prefer to listen than to be the center of attention, inserting funny observations and comments rather than driving the herd. That’s cool. Just remember that the quantity of funny you provide tends to make people think you’re up to something.

My Analysis

I do like the line “you’re a yellow dash of comedy down the middle of the humorous road”. How appropriate for a road geek. A Prankster. Somehow suitably appropriate, given the community I’ve gotten involved with on LJ (all the Prankstyr friends of ellipticcurve), but was never involved with in real life. However, I’m really not that much of a prankster in the traditional sense. It was DSR and others who would set up the glitter traps in the Computer Club. I’m a punster, yes. I tease with a straight face, and regularly pull legs. I certainly make off-color jokes and double entendres. In terms of humor movies, the author of this quiz obviously doesn’t know the classics: The Great Race, Hallelujah Trail, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Monty Phython and the Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles, Kentucky Fried Movie (“But you courd arways go home. Just crick your herrs thlee times…”), or Airplane. Hmmm. I think I’m actually an absurdist.


(meme) Morning Meme of Multiple Measures

Must. Wake. Up. Mmmm. Darjeeling tea.

This morning, we have a team breakfast effort, with a serving of memejacks with blueberry syrup, the usual set of delicious accoutrements, and a glass of freshly squeezed meme (with pulp), prepared by deedeebythebay, and her assistants japlady, tsgeisel, and usqueba.

You scored as Verbal/Linguistic. You have highly developed auditory skills, enjoy reading and writing and telling stories, and are good at getting your point across. You learn best by saying and hearing words. People like you include poets, authors, speakers, attorneys, politicians, lecturers and teachers.

The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences created with QuizFarm.com

Note the dramatic drop from the first five to the last two. To quote Allen Sherman, “I Can’t Dance”. It’s true: I have no luck with sports or dancing (about the only dancing I do is Israeli). I love listening to music, but can’t play any instruments (unlike other members of my family, who are great musicians). I play the cassette recorder :-). On the other hand, the first five are accurate, especially the first three, although I would have though visual/spatial would actually be higher (especially spatial), but I guess that depends on the quiz’s construction.

[As an indicator of visual/spatial, note that I did some reworking because these meme authors never seem to know how to format their results to be reasonable in terms of space, and to let the browser handle the line breaks.]


(meme) Act Your Age Meme

This afternoon, we have crackers with meme whiz prepared by patgund… well, truthfully, we just eat the meme whiz straight from the can.

This explains a lot… considering I turn 45 in a little over a week.

You Are 23 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view – and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what’s to come… love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You’ve had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You’ve been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
