(meme) Learning About Each Other

As lunch comes to an end, and I have a bag filled with goodies from the Benefits Faire, and a tummy filled with turkey from the cafeteria, there’s only one thing to say… Baaaaaa!

The following was originally snarfed from satyrlovesong, but I’ve seen it in numerous other journals since then.

This is the problem with LJ, we all think we are so close, and we know nothing about each other. I’m going to rectify it. I want you to ask me something you think you should know about me. Something that should be obvious, but you have no idea about.

Then post this in your LJ and find out what people don’t know about you.


(meme) Dichotomy Meme

[Snarfed and adapted from tsgeisel]

Answer these dichotomies the best you can. Feel free to add additional dichotomies.
[Revision history: Q1-10 from tsgeisel adapted from lrc. Q11-16 from cahwyguy.]

1) Dancing: Country (English/Irish) or Ballroom? Ballroom, as I don’t know the other style. My actual preference is Israeli.

2) Literature: Fantasy or Science Fiction? Science Fiction. Although I like some fantasy, I like more of a science flavor in it. Darkover or Pern are examples of the fantasy that I like. Xanth is not.

3) Alignment: Lawful or Chaotic? Lawful.

4) Personality: Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert, although I generally sit back and observe for a few minutes.

5) The mass of humanity: Evil or Stupid? Stupid. I like to say “Never ascribe to malice what you can to stupidity.”

6) Unix geekery: Emacs or vi? Emacs. I used to be a vi person, but I’ve been emacs for years. I remember when the argument was Rand Window Editor or vi!

7) Adult themed: “Normal” or “Kinky”? Normal.

8) Adult themed 2: Monogamous or Poly? Monogamous, although I love to watch the scenery as it walks by.

9) Art: Film or Digital? Film, I think. I like to see the skill of people.

10) Late night activities: Sleep or Computer? Are those the only two options: I may be 44, but I’m not dead :-). If I must choose, alas, sleep.

11) Driving: Freeway or county road? Ideally, country road (i.e., taking the time to explore), but sometimes one must rush and miss lift thanks to the sound walls.

12) Religious Philosophy: Beliefs or Actions? This is a hard one, but as I tend to have trouble with belief, I’ll go with actions.

13) Religious Philosophy #2: Dogma or Informed Choice? Informed Choice, as I tend not to go for blind dogma.

14) Geographic Philosophy: West Coast or East Coast? West coast, which is more informal and relaxed, as opposed to East Coast, which is more formal and protocol-based.

15) Salad Bars: Build-your-own or pre-prepared? Build your own, which is more west coast.

16) Memes: Silly quizzes or exploratory memes? Exploratory memes. I want to learn about you, or have you learn about me.


(meme) Uniqueness Meme

[snarfed from tsgeisel. Why am I posting this from home. I’m driving into work today; I have a 7:30 AM CSUN Industry Advisory Board meeting.]

Name a CD you own that no-one else on your friends list does:

Shep Cooke (Shep Cooke). To be truthful, it is actually vinyl that was burned to CD. This was his first album (his second was Concert Tour of Mars). I saw him many, many years ago at McCabes in Santa Monica. He’s a folk artist out of Tuson AZ, who used to play in the Stoney Poneys with Linda Ronstadt.

Name a book you own that no-one else on your friends list does:
Most folks probably don’t have The Rape of the A.P.E. by Allen Sherman (yes, that Allen Sherman, of Hello Muddah Hello Faddah fame). It has one 20 page chapter that consists of the word “Fuck*“. The remainder of the chapter is the footnote.

Other books (that I recommend) that are pretty rare are The Last Days of the Late, Great State of California by Curt Gentry, and Who Censored Roger Rabbit? by Gary Wolf.

Name a movie you own on DVD/VHS/whatever that no-one else on your friends list does:
Lizards Times 20, the concert video from the Austin Lounge Lizards. 2nd Runner Up is my wife’s Roger Whittaker in Kenya video.

Name a place that you have visited that no-one else on your friends list has:
Well, there’s Camp Hess Kramer and Gindling Hilltop Camp in Malibu, but someone might have gone there. It’s got to be someplace that I went to before my wife. So, it is either the steam tunnels under UCLA, or the old UCLA computer club “lab” in Engineering I.

[Arm Update: Back to normal state: OK when looking forward, tingling when looking down]


(meme) Action Figures Accessories Meme

[Snarfed from deedeebythebay, who snarfed it from ef2p, who snarfed it from fizzbang, who snarfed it from misspotsitt. This meets my test of a reasonable meme: one the lets you know about me, or me about you, as opposed to how well the dice roll.]

In the toy aisle of any shop all of the dolls come packaged with one or two “accessories”. Barbie has her handbag, The Hulk has a big rock and Action Man always came with some sort of cool gizmo

If you were to buy a cahwyguy, what would it come with? If I were to go to a toy shop and buy a  (insert your id) action figure, which one or two little objects would be in your package with you?
