My Mindset is in the 1960s

terpsichoros brought to my attention (although I think I heard it on NPR as well) the Beloit College Mindset List. This provides what is claimed to be a world view of today’s entering college students (who were born in 1987). To me, this is a lot like the statement of “He doesn’t know what band Paul McCartney was in before Wings”. I’m not going to repeat the entire list here, but the following are the ones that made me feel particularly old:

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(meme) Things that Bug You

I’m having trouble getting moving this morning. While I wait for the tea to kick in, I’ve told myself I’ll do one meme, and then go back to the document I’m reviewing. So, without further adieu, a meme from starowl:

List 3 things that bug you – things that others may find trivial. Then tag 6 of your friends. Only list 3 things because you may/can be tagged again.

  1. People that who don’t understand the distinction between “which” and “that”.
  2. People who do not know how to format a bulleted or numbered list, but treat it like it was still embedded in a sentence.
  3. People who pretend that they understand what they are writing about, instead of passing the document by someone who does for review before sending it out. Hell, let’s just generalize this to people who believe they never need to proof their documents before sending them out.

As starowl said, I don’t believe in tagging (it can get you arrested out here). Not to mention I’m sure that many folks on my friends list have loads of minor irritations they would just love to share.


(meme) Top 5 Meme

Memes must be in seasons. Today’s meme (to be enjoyed whilst waiting for your tea to cool) was picked and delivered by shutterbug93:

Ask me for my “Top 5” of pretty much anything & I will give you my list. 🙂

Then copy this in your journal and let everyone else ask you for lists.

Lists so far:

  • Top 5 passages from a work of spiritual significance
  • Top 5 favorite teas
  • Top 5 favorite musicals
  • Top 5 reasons for never moving to another house
  • Top 5 musicals that you love, but have never seen staged
  • Top 5 Pacific Electric Railway Right-of-Ways

As a reminder, I’m still doing the “Ask Me A Question” meme. Ask your questions here.


(meme) Top 5 Meme

Memes must be in seasons. Today’s meme (to be enjoyed whilst waiting for your tea to cool) was picked and delivered by shutterbug93:

Ask me for my “Top 5″ of pretty much anything & I will give you my list. :)

Then copy this in your journal and let everyone else ask you for lists.

Lists so far:

  • Top 5 passages from a work of spiritual significance

  • Top 5 favorite teas
  • Top 5 favorite musicals
  • Top 5 reasons for never moving to another house
  • Top 5 musicals that you love, but have never seen staged
  • Top 5 Pacific Electric Railway Right-of-Ways

As a reminder, I’m still doing the “Ask Me A Question” meme. Ask your questions here.

Note: This entry was originally posted on Observations Along The Road (on as this entry by California Highway Guy. You may comment either here or there (where there are comment(s)).


(meme) Major Accomplishments Meme

lrc has proposed the following interesting meme:

As a counterpoint to thing I’ve done that you haven’t meme, how about major accomplishments? Having a kid may not be unique, but it is something that defines some people’s lives.

Some of the things I’ve done that were big deals:

What is interesting is that, unlike the uniqueness meme, most of these were done in my post-UCLA lifetime. Interesting that. Perhaps this is what school prepares you for: doing big deals.


(meme) Ubiquity Meme

Monday Tuesday Morning. While I wait for this headache to subside and my tea to cool down, it seems like time to do a meme. This time, we have the ubiquity meme, aptly prepared by japlady and terpsichoros, among others.

In this meme, you are supposed to list 10 things that only you have done. Well, that’s pretty hard, given the number of people in the world. However, the following are 10 things that I’m likely the only person reading this to have done:

  1. Gone hiking through the steam tunnels at UCLA while spaced out on codeine.
  2. Lost a watch with a Hebrew face somewhere on dirt Mulholland.
  3. Had the son of a famous composer for a math teacher.
  4. Been father to my daughter.
  5. Been given a ride home by Marvin Hamlisch.
  6. Had a brother die while at a summer camp.
  7. Seen Shep Cooke perform at McCabes in Santa Monica.
  8. Climbed from the mens room into 3514BH at UCLA… through the window.
  9. Hiked across the “Bridge to Nowhere” in the San Gabriel Mountains.
  10. Participated in a programming contest in Fortran.
  11. Thrown a sofa from the third floor of Boelter Hall into a trash-bin on the first floor.
  12. Had a math professor who was preparing for a sex change operation.
  13. Rode on Route 90, the Marina Freeway, right after it opened.
  14. Passed up the opportunity to literally play on the freeway.

Then again, there are things I have never done. For example:

  1. I haven’t visited all 50 states.
  2. I’ve never played a table game in Las Vegas.
  3. I’ve never lived outside of Los Angeles.
  4. I’ve never worked retail.
  5. I’ve never had a tattoo.
  6. I’ve never had a piercing.
  7. I’ve never had a bar mitzvah.
    Although I’ve been to Paris, I’ve never been to Paris, but I’ve been to Perris. Further, although I live in California, I’ve never been to California. Similarly, although I’ve been to Mexico, I’ve never been in Mexico, and although I’ve been to Nevada, I’ve never been in Nevada.

  8. I’ve never been drunk.
  9. I’ve never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music.
  10. I’ve never been to Heaven, but I’ve been to Oklahoma. OK, I haven’t been to Oklahoma.*

As Shep Cooke says: The thought of growing old won’t scare me to death if I leave enough living behind.


(meme) Ubiquity Meme

Monday Tuesday Morning. While I wait for this headache to subside and my tea to cool down, it seems like time to do a meme. This time, we have the ubiquity meme, aptly prepared by japlady and terpsichoros, among others.

In this meme, you are supposed to list 10 things that only you have done. Well, that’s pretty hard, given the number of people in the world. However, the following are 10 things that I’m likely the only person reading this to have done:

  1. Gone hiking through the steam tunnels at UCLA while spaced out on codeine.

  2. Lost a watch with a Hebrew face somewhere on dirt Mulholland.
  3. Had the son of a famous composer for a math teacher.
  4. Been father to my daughter.
  5. Been given a ride home by Marvin Hamlisch.
  6. Had a brother die while at a summer camp.
  7. Seen Shep Cooke perform at McCabes in Santa Monica.
  8. Climbed from the mens room into 3514BH at UCLA… through the window.
  9. Hiked across the “Bridge to Nowhere” in the San Gabriel Mountains.
  10. Participated in a programming contest in Fortran.
  11. Thrown a sofa from the third floor of Boelter Hall into a trash-bin on the first floor.
  12. Had a math professor who was preparing for a sex change operation.
  13. Rode on Route 90, the Marina Freeway, right after it opened.
  14. Passed up the opportunity to literally play on the freeway.

Then again, there are things I have never done. For example:

  1. I haven’t visited all 50 states.

  2. I’ve never played a table game in Las Vegas.
  3. I’ve never lived outside of Los Angeles.
  4. I’ve never worked retail.
  5. I’ve never had a tattoo.
  6. I’ve never had a piercing.
  7. I’ve never had a bar mitzvah.
    Although I’ve been to Paris, I’ve never been to Paris, but I’ve been to Perris. Further, although I live in California, I’ve never been to California. Similarly, although I’ve been to Mexico, I’ve never been in Mexico, and although I’ve been to Nevada, I’ve never been in Nevada.

  8. I’ve never been drunk.
  9. I’ve never been to Spain, but I kinda like the music.
  10. I’ve never been to Heaven, but I’ve been to Oklahoma. OK, I haven’t been to Oklahoma.*

As Shep Cooke says: The thought of growing old won’t scare me to death if I leave enough living behind.

Note: This entry was originally posted on Observations Along The Road (on as this entry by California Highway Guy. You may comment either here or there (where there are comment(s)).
