Observations on the Debate

I’ve listened to most of the debate. I think John Edwards has done a better job. He actually answered the questions asked, and focusing on what the plan is of the Kerry/Edwards administration. VP Cheney, on the other hand, seems to keep repeating himself, not answering the questions, and focusing on attacking the other side as opposed to stating what Bush/Cheney will do.

However, it was very close. Cheney is very sharp and very glib. It was an interesting matchup.


Republicans Buying Votes?

Today I’m down visiting my father, who is still registered Republican (although he is pro-Kerry… this is an improvement from the days I remember him being staunchly Republican, and my mom being staunchly Democratic).

In any case, he showed me a mailing from the Republican party. They mailed him a fresh, crisp $1 bill, encouraging him to return it with more money for the Republican party. We were wondering, however, if this could be viewed as an attempt to buy votes. Hmmmm…. I suggested that he write them a letter back thanking them for the money, but since Kerry did so good in the debates, he was going to give it to Kerry/Edwards. Alas, I don’t think he will do that 🙁

(P.S.: I can now see what people are talking about on the new entry interface. His screen is at lower resolution, so I am running into the width problem. It is annoying; I’ll be happy to get back to semagic!)


Al Chayts for George W. Bush… Which He Will Never Say

[Snarfed from , originally posted by singurdreams]

A High Holiday confessional that will never be uttered by George W. Bush:

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement:

  • For the sin I have committed before you by promising to be a compassionate conservative, but showing no compassion.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by waging an unjust war in Iraq in the false name of fighting terrorism.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by waging a political campaign built on fear, not hope.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by cynically exploiting the horrors of 9/11 for political gain.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by ignoring the plight of the poorest and weakest among our citizens.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by the unnecessary deaths of 1,000 young Americans, the injuries to thousands more, and the deaths and injuries to untold numbers of Iraqis.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by lying about my record of service in the National Guard.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

  • For the sin I have committed before you by dividing rather than uniting our people.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by ignoring the loss of over one million jobs in the U.S.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by doing nothing to provide health insurance to millions of Americans, and to stem rapidly rising prescription medicine and other health care costs.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by systematically weakening environmental and pollution regulations, thereby endangering public health and destroying precious wilderness resources.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by promising to leave no child behind, and then failing to adequately fund educational programs, or treating every child the same whilst failing to recognize that different children learn differently.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by allowing the assault weapons ban to expire, thereby allowing these grotesque weapons to return to our streets.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by bearing false witness about the reasons for going to war in Iraq.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by perpetuating the falsehood that increasing homeland security requires a weakening of the civil rights of our citizens.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by imposing a veil of secrecy on government decision-making processes.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

  • For the sin I have committed before you by allowing the ends to justify any means.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by lowering taxes for only the very wealthiest Americans, enriching the few at the expense of the many.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by running a cynical and destructive presidential campaign, designed to destroy rather than just defeat my opponent.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by fighting a war in Iraq to divert attention from failures in the just war on terrorists, and from failing to act against the looming nuclear threat from Iran and North

  • For the sin I have committed before you by failing to make any progress in achieving a just peace between Israel and the Arabs.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by turning a massive government surplus into a massive deficit in less than four years, thereby burdening future generations with untold debt.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by unnecessarily damaging relations with American friends and allies throughout the world.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.

  • For the sin I have committed before you by promoting a personal ideology rather than the interests of the American people.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by arrogance and swagger, speaking with a forked tongue, and for the haughty exercise of power.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by appointing arch-conservative judges to the federal judiciary.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by irresponsibly and possibly irreparably damaging the reputation of the United States throughout the world.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by enriching my friends in the conduct of government and military affairs.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by encouraging xenophobia on the part of the American people.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by attempting to impose my extreme religious and moralistic values on the entire nation, and weakening the separation between church and state.
  • For the sin I have committed before you by characterizing all who oppose me as evil, and all who agree with me as good.
  • And for the sin I have committed before you by failing to acknowledge my responsibility for all these sins, for attempting to blame others for them, and for all the injury and damage they have caused to individuals, the nation, and the future.

For these sins, oh forgiving G-d, forgive me, pardon me, grant me atonement.


Reassuring Words

[The following is snarfed from ginamariewade‘s blog, with a little additional commentary and reworking.]

For those who keep doing daily monitoring of the Electoral Vote Predictor, and get discouraged (today: Kerry 217; Bush 311), consider the following:

  1. Do you know anyone who voted for Gore who is now going to vote for Bush?
  2. Do you know anyone who didn’t vote in 2000 who is registering just to vote for Bush?
  3. Do you know anyone who voted for Bush in 2000 who is now going to vote for Kerry?
  4. Do you know anyone who didn’t vote in 2000 who is now going to vote for Kerry?

I’ll add that this emphasizes the importance of getting those out there dissatisfied with our current leadership to vote, and to (hopefully) vote for Kerry/Edwards. Every vote is important this year!


Dan Rather vs. George Bush

[Seen in weaktwos journal via lunza‘s friends list]

Dan Rather, CBS News Anchor

  1. Given documents he thought were true
  2. Failed to thoroughly investigate the facts
  3. Reported documents to the American people as true to make his case
  4. When confronted with the facts, apologized and launched an investigation
  5. Number of Americans dead: 0
  6. Should be fired as CBS News Anchor

George W. Bush, President of the United States

  1. Given documents he thought were true
  2. Failed to thoroughly investigate the facts
  3. Reported documents to the American people as true to make his case
  4. When confronted with the facts, continued to report untruth and stonewalled an investigation
  5. Number of Americans dead: 1100 and growing
  6. Should be given four more years as President of the United States

(Found at Democratic Underground)

This just speaks for itself.


Are We Being Told Something and Not Listening?

This article by James Wolcott (found in FOAF’s blog) has an interesting observation:

Hurricane Frances also has a heraldic quality. Camille Paglia observed on Salon in February, 2003 that the explosion of the Columbia shuttle on the eve of the war on Iraq was a “stunning omen,” one that would make a Roman general think twice. A catastrophe strewing death, fire, and human remains across Bush’s home state of Texas was inauspicious to our undertaking; and so it has proven to be. Frances is the second hurricane to afflict Florida, home of brother Jeb, in rapid succession.

From what I’m hearing on the weather reports, a third hurricane is bearing down on Florida. Now, I’m really concerned for the people of Florida. Will they be able to survive until the election? Not very auspicious, is it?
