You Can’t Tell The Players Without A Program

[Inspired by a blog entry from ellipticcurve]

Quite a few new folks have friended me of late; I’ve friended most of them back. A few I’m still monitoring to see if I want to read their posts on a regular basis; others I tend to read regularly anyway as part of FOAF (Friend of a Friend) reading. In any case, welcome. I figured I’d take a few minutes to explain who everyone is around here.

First and foremost: gf_guruilla (Karen) is my wife. She occasionally posts something, but primarily has an account so I can refer to her. Small & Feisty (S&F) is our daughter, who is 93/4 going on either 30 or 6, depending on her mood. ixixlix (Lauren) is our best friend; her son (the Karate Kid) has grown up with our daughter.

The other friends form into distinct circles, for the most part, although I’ve noticed that they actually are interconnected in interesting ways.

(Circle #1) ellipticcurve (Nicole) is a coworker of mine; we met a little over a year ago when she started here and became friends very quickly. She introduced me to Live Journal. Through her (and her friends list), I’ve gotten to know barelyproper (who I’ve met in person), gyesika and her husband profstevie (who I’ve met in person), mertuil, japlady and kerinda (who I met through mertuil‘s friends list), ailurodragon, internet_addict, satyrlovesong (who is a friend of quite a few of these folks, including barelyproper). magicpacket used to work with me. I also know bellwethr through work.

(Circle #2) I run a mailing list called mail.liberal-judaism. From an announcement on that list, cellio (Monica) friended me. Through her, I’ve gotten to know aliza250, estherchaya, ginamariewade, lordandrei, mortuus, and tuluum. Many of these folks, it turns out, have known of me through my Usenet activities.

(Circle #3). I’m also a roadgeek, and through the roadgeek circles, I know transitfan. From this circle of interest, I met jumbach, lunza, patgund, stuck_in_ma, starowl, and dennisthetiger.

I think that covers everyone on my current friends list. There are a few additional folks that have friended me that I’m monitoring, but they all seem to come from one of these three circles.

Lastly, I’m working on using my userpics to make it easy to identify the rough content of posts. Hopefully that helps.
