Interview Meme Redux: The Questions

[To tease people into this meme, I’m going to post the questions I’m asking myself, to give you an idea of what I’m thinking about. See the original posting of the meme for more details. I’ll post the answers in a day or two.]

Interview Meme Redux

[Meme snarfed from, oh yeah, me (cahwyguy)]

  1. Ask yourself five questions that you would ask yourself if you were interviewing yourself
  2. Update your LJ with the five questions answered
  3. Include this explanation

And it just keeps going, and going, and going (hopefully!)

cahwyguys‘s Interview:


  1. You’re 44, about the time most guys have a mid-life crisis. Assuming there were no monetary limitations (i.e., considerations about family support), how would your mid-life crisis express itself?
  2. Your postings and interests show an intense interest in musicals? How did this interest start, and what would you say is your favorite musical?
  3. You’ve been very active on the Jewish internet for a long time, what with the FAQ and your reading list, as well as the web work you’ve done for congregations and UAHC. Yet, you profess to not be very spiritual. How do you reconcile this?
  4. What characteristics of yourself don’t come across in Livejournal or your web presence?
  5. If you had to succinctly impart some advice to your daughter to serve her in life, what would it be?
  6. (Bonus Question) You’ve been given the ability to change one physical or mental characteristic of yourself, without penalty. What would it be, and why?

[Watch this journal for the answers in a future posting]

One More Thing

I’m also curious, for those that have done this meme, what has been your favorite question that you’ve been asked—the one that you said “Oh wow. That’s a great question!”
