(meme) Interview Meme Redux/Reverse Interview Meme

By now, a number of folks have done the “interview meme” going around (i.e., the one where folks ask you five questions). This (proposed) new meme is for folks that have done at least one interview.

When you requested an interview, you likely had some questions in your head you wanted to answer. You probably weren’t asked those, but instead something silly and superficial :-). Now’s your chance:

Interview Meme Redux

  1. Ask yourself five questions that you would ask yourself if you were interviewing yourself.
  2. Update your LJ with the five questions answered.
  3. Include this explanation.

I’m currently working on the questions for myself; I’ll post those shortly (and I might even answer them).

For those that want to ask me questions, the old rules hold (slightly modified for the reverse direction):

Reverse Interview Meme

  1. Leave a comment with your interview questions.
  2. I’ll answer your questions, and give you five questions to answer in return.
  3. You’ll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
  4. You’ll include this explanation.
  5. You ask other people to interview you, committing to interview them back in return.

And it just keeps going, and going, and going (hopefully!)

[adapted from many folks, including satyrlovesong and estherchaya]
