Cabrillo 2013-2014 Season Announcement

Cabrillo UserpicJust received the announcement of the Cabillo Music Theatre 2013-2014 season. Here are the shows and my thoughts thereupon:

In summary, a reasonable season. Three shows it will be good to see again, and one “eh” but tolerable. No shows that are new to me, but that’s getting harder to do. I’m sure we’ll renew, and we’ll likely move from the balcony to the mezzanine (the balcony is getting too steep for my wife and her mom to handle). Right now, we’re the penultimate performance the last Saturday at 8pm. We might change that to the first Sunday matinee or the 2nd Saturday matinee if the wife and M-I-L prefer. We moved to Saturday night to accommodate our daughter, but going back to the Saturday matinee could impact the occasional So Cal Games Day, or impact seeing a Saturday night show.


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