From the Normal to the Absurd

Some observations on the news:

TV’s ‘Frugal Gourmet,’ Jeff Smith, dies. It is sad that Jeff Smith died this way. The charges that destroyed his career were never investigated, but settled quietly in the background. His cookbooks were really good, especially The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American—he had some great pumpkin recipes. It would nice if, in memorium, the Food Network reran his programs.

Wanted: An accordionist to join the U.S. Air Force. I wonder if Wierd Al qualifies. Probably not. He’s too old, plus there’s all that junk food.

and now, we turn to the absurd, and perhaps sad:

The NAACP has urged voters to oust President Bush. Julian Bond, at the NAACP convention, had perhaps the best line when he said “They write a new constitution of Iraq and they ignore the Constitution here at home.” Bush declined to attend the convention, making him the first president since the 1930s to not attend it. He has declined every year of his presidency.

What NAACP Chair Bond said is so true. Consider the headline on CNN: Officials discuss how to delay Election Day. Now, if memory serves correct, the date of the election, as well as the date the electors meet, as well as the inarguration date, are all explicit in the constitution. One cannot change them without suspending the constitution. There are no constitution procedures to suspend the constitution, to my knowledge, except overthrowing the government. So, if this comes to fruition… well, you do the math.

Many other commentators on LJ have noted this, but we really need to be up in arms about this. Remember, the reason that the Supreme Court forced the election in Florida was to get everything done in time for the electors to meet. If the election gets delayed, there may not be any time to do any recounts in the case of questionable or protested results, which given the new electronic machines (which have their own security risks), are quite likely.

Very unsettling.
