Boxes and Styrofoam

Today’s task was to work in the garage. Specifically, over the years I have collected boxes. Boxes from old computers, in use mucho years. Boxes from long in use kitchen stuff. Boxes from stereo equipment. Boxes that will never be reused again. So, I decided to make some space today, cut them up, and recycle them.

So far, so good. However, I forgot about the junk inside of the box. Getting rid of the cardboard is easy. Getting rid of the assorted plastic bags and ties is easy. Styrofoam, however, is hard. It was designed that way. It’s not easy to break into smaller pieces. It fills up your trashcan. I think its going to take me a month or two to get rid of the damn styrofoam! [Plus, its been hot today in the valley, so I’ve been schvitzin’ like crazy. Isn’t that always the case when you work in the garage.]

Any good ideas on how to get rid of loads of large chunks o’styrofoam, in one swell foop?
