Better Get Them To Sign It Today…


…before they all take off for the Fourth of July Weekend

Stan Freberg

Tonight we had a lovely evening of gaming and friends at the home of . My family (m’self, gf_guruilla, Small & Feisty), together with ixixlix and her family (S and J), ellipticcurve, gyesika and her husband, and two of ixixlix’s friends, all gathered together for swimming, gaming, and great food. A big thank you to our host and hostess. We played lots of games (Ticket to Ride, High Society, Coloretto, Loco, and Fluxx), and had lots more fun.

[Of course, I wish I felt a little better. Why is it whenever you have a three day weekend, that’s invariably when a cold hits you. I’ve kept it reasonably suppressed with throat losenges and “Dayquil”-equivalent, but I think I’m going to have to rest tomorrow.]

“Franklin: You sure its not going to start a revolution or anything?
Jefferson: Trust me.
