Getting Ready for Camp

Tomorrow, at 9:00 AM, we get to trudge down to the Wilshire District to meet the bus that will whisk “Small & Feisty” off to camp. I’m counting the minutes. Let me explain.

Today has been a day of finishing packing for camp. Sewing labels into clothes. Loading the footlocker. Trying to find things in Small & Feisty’s room, which is exceptionally messy (and she’s been exceptionally feisty). Trying to find some items that stores just don’t seem to have (ever try to find a windbreaker in June?)

But its done. She’s packed. I just have her address book and packing list to print.  Then its off to work on the rest of the house.

So, tomorrow she’s off for 9 days at a great Jewish summer camp… and we get 9 days of a house that stays neat, and no screaming by Small & Feisty. Just like, when I was a camper, I never appreciated why the counselors looked forward to rest hour (we never did), I also never appreciated just why my parents sent me to camp. I do now.

P.S. to ellipticcurve regarding your entry: I printed out that item for you to read and laugh about after I saw it in another journal. I certainly wouldn’t think of ordering it.
