I’ve Got A Ticket To Ride… In Africa

Today, I spent the day down at the Gamex convention. Perhaps it is memory speaking, but it’s very different than it was back in the 1980s when I moderated games. The tournaments are less interesting (translation: there are fewer games I play), the crowd is younger, the mix of people involved in the hobby is different… but I still had fun playing in open gaming. It was, however, harder to find folks to play with — I think I still prefer the Southern California Games Day. I also don’t like the Gamex Venue as well; the Hyatt (later Wyndham, now Radisson) was cosier.

Very few people were there that I knew from the old days; I only ran into one or two. Still, I think I’m starting to get folks who remember me from the Games Day. I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll go to the September Gaming Convention.

In terms of games played: I introduced quite a few folks to 10 Days in Africa, and I played a bit of Transamerica and Ticket to Ride. Couldn’t get anyone interested in Streetcar. Didn’t try any new games. Did watch a game of Metro; it looks like it is worth purchasing.
