Our Kids Are Great!

Don’t believe what people tell you. We’ve got great kids out there.

This morning I was a judge at the California State Science Fair, and I was blown away by the talent of the kids out there. From a 6th grade girl who was totally astounding me with her presentations of group theory and spatial mathematics, to an 8th grade boy who was developing new means to power airplanes, to all the kids who were demonstrating such remarkable talent… I was just speechless (and for me, that’s rare). Follow the link above to the science fair page, and look at the projects. You’ll be astounded as well.

This evening, I attended Shavuot services at Temple. These were also Confirmation (approx. 10th grade graduation) services. Our sole confirmand, a young lady of 15 years, again astounded me with her sermon, about the renewal of committment, given with more force, enthusiasm, and energy than many a rabbi. This young lady will go far, and the world will be better for it.

We’ve got great kids out there.
