I Need A Clone

The title says it. There’s just too much good stuff happening this weekend for me to even remotely make it all:

Things I’ll make (so where’s my wife on Saturday, you ask: Simple: Having a quiet day on her own, without “small and feisty”, so she can relax!):

  • Saturday: SoCal Games Day: Going to game with my daughter.
  • Saturday: Y Princesses: Going to a minor-league baseball game with my daughter.
  • Sunday: Going to see Urinetown with the family. We’ll probably walk around Beverly Hills afterwards, or perhaps go to Farmers Market or the Grove for dinner.

Note the emphasis on doing things with family here. ’tis mucho important.

What I’m missing:

(and of course, part of me still needs the weekend to relax, do laundry, clean and declutter the house, work in the yard, etc.)
