Where Do They Come Up With These?

According to CNN, Hunch, a site that makes recommendations based on detailed user preference, discovered there is some truth about the difference between Mac and PC users. Their findings?

  • Mac users tend to be younger, more liberal, more fashion-conscious and more likely to live in cities than people who prefer PCs.
  • Mac users can be seen, depending on your perspective, as bolder and more creative — or elitist and more pretentious.
  • 67% of Mac users have a college or advanced degree, as opposed to 54% of PC users.
  • Mac loyalists are 80% more likely than PC users to be vegetarians, and, unlike PC fans, would rather ride a Vespa scooter than a Harley.
  • PC users’ tastes trend towards casual clothes, tunafish sandwiches, white wine, Hollywood movies, USA Today and Pepsi. Mac users prefer designer or vintage duds, hummus, red wine, indie films, The New York Times and San Pellegrino Limonata.
  • Mac users also are more likely to describe themselves as computer-savvy and “early adopters.” PC users tend to describe themselves as better at math and less likely to throw frequent parties.

The only Apple product I use regularly is my iPod. I’ll let those who know me decide where I fit on this scale.
