A Sticky Situation

This has been a busy week, and I haven’t had much time to even look at the news during lunch. I did scan the NY Times one day, however, and there was a fascinating article… about tape. In particular, how scientists studying geckos have discovered a new adhesive, based on the fact that geckos have millions of microscopic hairs on their toes, each with hundreds of tips that adhere to surfaces, with no residue left behind. Based on this, UCB and Stanford scientists have worked up a prototype. The tape, which is reusable, was so strong, that one of the inventors said, that when they tested it, he was able to stick his 50-pound, 8-year-old daughter to a window with it. They don’t say what the daughter thought of that 🙂 Look for it in your stores in a few years.

The article goes on to talk about other tapes. A few excerpts:

“One of the most common is blue painter’s tape. This offspring of masking tape is stickier but leaves less residue, making it ideal for interior paint jobs.” Further, the article notes, “There is also red painter’s tape for use on exterior walls, and purple tape for use on delicate fabric wallcoverings (each about $8 a roll).”

The article talks about duct tape, but notes its sticky residue. Similarly, foam poster tape is eschewed. It also mentions my daughter’s favorite tape: “Gaffer tape is used by production companies to stick cords to a stage floor, but it has other uses as well. In garages without built-in overhead lighting, it can be used to create a makeshift pendant light, holding in place an electrical cord running across the ceiling. For media centers with multiple cords coming out the back, it can be used to tape the wires to the floor or wall, to prevent tripping. Gaffer tape is also easy to remove and doesn’t leave residue. It is made by various manufacturers and sells for $5 to $8 a roll at camera stores.”

Now, here’s another tape you might have not heard of (and it isn’t mentioned in the article, but is mentioned in the “Where Did You Get That” geeklist): Hugo’s Amazing Tape. A bit pricey, this is a vinyl-type tape that is reusable and is great for sealing game boxes.

So, what’s your favorite undiscovered tape?
