Just Hold On Chum, The Week Is Almost Over

A few items from today’s lunchtime perusal of the news:

  • From the “Decisions Decisions” Department: The New York Times has an interesting article on a well-known dilemma: fix or replace. In today’s recessionary times, people are increasingly deciding to fix. The article also discusses why replacement parts are so expensive. The article does not address whether, in this economy, the same equations apply to spouses 🙂 (i.e., are couples in trouble opting for counseling instead of trying to divide assets in this economy, especially forced sales of real estate).
  • From the “Mmmm. Inappropriate Touching” Department: Yet another teen trend has made the news. Whereas we once shook hands or gave “high fives”, the in-greeting today is… hugging. Well, at least according to the New York Times it is. Some school officials don’t like it. Some blame it one the impersonality of society and Facebook. Yeah, blame Facebook for everything.
  • From the “Dancing on a Keyboard” Department: There are numerous reports (USA Today, NY Times) about how Toys Я Us has purchased FAO Schwartz. Evidently, this is one acquisition the CEO of Toys Я Us always wanted. It will mean the closing of the FAO Schwartz stores within Macy*s, but the NYC and Las Vegas stores will remain open.
  • From the “They Just Write Themselves” Department: Reuters brings news of the auctioning of the Marcel Marceau collection, and its purchase by French authorities of drawings, notes and various art works within the collection. However, I have one question not answered in the article: Was it a silent auction?