Things That Make You Go “Huh”?

Well, I figure by now I either know the stuff or I don’t. So here’s some chum to tide you over:

  • From the “It’s a Trademark Issue” Department: The well-known mother of octuplets, Nadya Suleman, is seeking to trademark the term “octom0m”. What’s interesting is that she has competition: Super Happy Fun Fun, a Texas-based corporation, submitted its paperwork March 12, to use the name for computer game software, toys and action figures and wireless and mobile entertainment. The company’s website indicates that it has developed the Fertile Myrtle game that requires players to “press down on Fertile Myrtle’s swollen belly, and another adorable bundle of joy will be brought into the world.” Each extra baby earns welfare money, with bonuses given for birthing in front of the paparazzi, the website states.
  • From the “Don’t Call Me, I’ll Call You” Department: It appears that DirecTV has violated the “Do Not Call” list. Specifically, they have called customers of theirs who have requested that they don’t be called… to ask them to permit DirecTV to call them. “The prerecorded message,” the government said in documents filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, “told persons who received the calls that ‘from time to time, [DirecTV] extend[s] exciting offers to our loyal customers like you. But because you are on the DirecTV Do Not Call list, we are not able to contact you for these exciting offers.’ ” Comcast has received a similar penalty.