I Guess I’ll Have To Keep That Suit In The Closet…

Today, a post by mark_evanier brings some sad news:

The past few years, this weblog has celebrated the work of a brilliant cartoonist named Don Martin by noting his very funny holiday, National Gorilla Suit Day. I’ve encouraged you to remember the late Mr. Martin and his work and now I’m in the odd position of…well, not discouraging you but just announcing that Don’s widow has asked me not to mention him or his holiday and to delete all past mentions of both. I don’t fully understand why but I still have (and will always have) the greatest respect for the man…so I’ve done as she asks. I don’t think I would do this for anyone else so Mrs. George W. Bush and Mrs. Dick Cheney, don’t bother asking.

In respect of this, I’m also going to stop posting my observational announcements (although I’m not deleting my past posts). I have dropped an email to Mr. Evanier requesting that he change the link for the day (Google cache) from a “404” (Not Found) to either a link to his post, or a redirect to the Wiki page on Don Martin.

So, rest in peace, National Gorilla Suit Day. There don’t appear to be any other promotional days on that specific day (although we will have just missed Women in Blue Jeans week; and of course, National Delurking Week is the 2nd week of January). It does appear to be Backward Day (or should that be “Drawkcab Yad”), and Inspire Your Heart with Art day.
