How Not To Win Congregants and Influence People

Folks may remember how, a while back, I wrote that neither of the congregational rabbis would be available for my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, and thus we were having a long-time family rabbi work with us instead. Today (according to my wife), we just found out that the congregational cantor won’t be available either. Luckily, we were prepared for that, and we’re having one of nsshere’s teachers (who happens to be a cantor) fill in.

Her Bat Mitzvah will have a theatre theme. Yes, we are handing out slips that say “This morning, the role of Congregational Rabbi will be played by …, and the role of Congregational Cantor will be played by …”.

Given that we’re fighting them over the reception time, and they are pulling this stuff on us less than 5 months before the ceremony… we’re likely going to be looking for another congregation come next year. We already have an idea where (as long as they realize we’ve already paid our building fund commitment there during a previous membership with that congregation).
