Meme Chow Fun

A lunchtime meme of Meme Chow Fun, in honor of the Chinese New Year, artfully prepared by internet_addict, derived from the Chinese Astrology Site at

The Results

Your Lucky Element
Time Zone: PST city Longitude: -123.21 Gender : Male
Birth Year: 1960 Month: 1 Day: 21 Hour: 14 Minute: 20

The following is your birth chart. You are Brown Monkey, born in the year of Brown Pig. The first character in DAY represents you. So you are equivalent to Soil.

Hour (kids) Day (you) Month (parents) Year (ancestor)
Female SoilFemale SoilFemale Soil Male SoilMale SoilMale Soil Female FireFemale FireFemale Fire Female SoilFemale SoilFemale Soil
SheepSheepBrown Sheep MonkeyMonkeyBrown Monkey CowCowRed Cow PigPigBrown Pig

Your birth chart was generated using the Chinese Stem-Branch Calendar system. The Stems, upper row in the chart, are Five Elements which are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. The Branches, lower row in the chart, are 12 animal names which are related to Five Elements. The following Five Elements distribution chart is produced from your birth chart.

Five elements Soil Soil (you) Metal Metal (kids) Water Water (money) Wood Wood (job) Fire Fire (mom)
Total 280 52 36 9 39

Here we select an element from the Five Element chart as your Lucky Element. The Chinese Yin-Yang Five Elements describe the BALANCE. When the Five Elements are balanced, they are in harmony and you will be lucky. When they are out of balance, they are in conflict and cause you trouble. So your lucky elements are the ones that bring the Five Elements into balance. Usually the lucky elements are the ones with a lesser weight (score). Here we want to pick Wood as your lucky element, because your Five Elements have a better shape when the weight of Wood increases. Using the balance theory, we can predict the rise and fall of your entire life.

The Rise and Fall Chart of Your Life

Age 0 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85-94

The Blue Bar stands for the beginning Luck Level when you were born. Each Red Bar stands for the Luck Level for 10 years. When you are in luck, the Red Bar is longer than the Blue Bar. Your good marriage should be in the longest Red Bar or a longer Red Bar period during the marriage age. Your career should begin in a longer Red Bar too. Usually, you can find two consecutive longer Red Bars together, which are your best 20 years.

When the Wood is your lucky element

  • Rabbit and Tiger are your lucky animals.
  • Years of Rabbit and Tiger are your lucky years.
  • Months of Rabbit and Tiger are your lucky Months.
  • Spring is your lucky season.
  • 3:00 – 7:00 (3 A.M. to 7 A.M.) are your lucky hours.
  • Eastern direction is your lucky place.
  • It will bring you luck to live a house that faces the east.
  • You should choose a bedroom in the east side of the house.
  • It’s good for you to keep the east side window(s) open.
  • When arranging the office desk, you should sit facing the east
  • A wooden bed is good for you.
  • Your lucky color is green.
  • Sour foods and vegetables are good for you.
  • Take care of your Nervous system, Liver and Gall bladder.

Wood can balance your Five Elements. Too much Wood might put your Five Elements out of balance too. If the Wood is your lucky element, then try to carry something related to Wood, which can energize your spirit and enhance your confidence.


As with anything astrological, some hits, some misses. I have no idea what some of the numbers mean, but I would classify my mother as fire (as she was incendiary, especially when alcohol was added), and a red cow does fit my dad (being pretty well grounded and stable). I have no idea what the five elements mean, but I do like wood (and wood colors). The rise and fall chart is interesting: it isn’t until the end of my life that my luck goes away. The lowest red bar is the period where I started my current job and my marriage, but it is still lucky. However, I met my wife (as opposed to the marriage) and started my career (but a different company) in a longest red bar period, for what its worth. As for some of the other stuff: yes, I’m a morning person, and my bedroom at home is on the east side of the house. I do have a wooden bed. I don’t know about green as a lucky color. My wife was born in the year of the red chicken, whatever that means.
