(meme) Ask Me No Questions, I’ll Tell You No Lies

I’ve seen this meme from a number of folks, in particular, barelyproper, deedeebythebay, and tsgeisel. So…

Ask a question anonymously you wouldn’t necessarily ask in person, or wouldn’t want others to know you’re asking. I’ll answer it in another entry, and you’ll have your answer without having to admit you wanted to know it. The following caveats apply: I reserve the right to decline to answer a question, if it is something that I don’t feel is appropriate to answer in public (well, friends-only). I will, however and at my discretion, provide an indication of such a declination. If you want to ensure an answer, email your question to me at cahwyguy -at livejournal.com. Yeah, it won’t be anonymous, but at least you’ll get an answer.

You do have the option of posting anonymously. I’d say that I’ve allowed anonymous posting, yet I’ve never turned off that option. I have turned the option on to screen all comments though. I haven’t turned off IP address tracking, but then again, I’ve never figured out how to track IP addresses 🙂

So, have at it. I have made this a friends only post, so at least I know questions will come from friends, but nothing more than that.

Update: Alas, the system won’t permit a Friends-Only post that has an anonymous option. So, this is public, but I reserve the right to make replies Friends-Only.
