Fire Season has started…

As anyone following the news knows, this is a bad brush fire season here in the City of Angels. So far this year, there was a 150 acre fire in the Hollywood Hills near Universal Studios; around 1,600 acres in the recent Griffith Park Fire; and over 4,000 acres on Catalina. So it is clear there are going to be more brush fires this season. My current headache is leaving me in a weird mood, so I’d like you to put on your prediction caps…

It’s clear were going to have another big fire in Southern California (here’s a history of some of the worst). Where will it be?

Note: I want to make it clear I’m not wishing for any such fire — we don’t need to lose life, property, or erosion protection. But fire is inevitable in this valley of the smokes, so I’m curious how we are at predicting?
