Another One Bites The Dust

Mann’s National Theatre in Westwood is closing. Man, this is a piece of my history. It is where all of us Computer Club folks went one afternoon to see the first Indiana Jones. It is where I saw Star Wars. Hell, it is the theatre where I had my first real date, where I took a girl to go see 2001: A Space Odyssey. I still remember the murals they would always paint on the side.

The Westwood of my UCLA days is now definately no more. I have so many memories of “the Village”: Bratskeller, University Bookstore (later the site of the Good Earth Restaurant), Pickwick Books, Westwood Pharmacy, Old World, the National Theatre, JoJos (where I learned to eat club sandwhiches), the Thai place club folk used to always goto, the Avco, the original A Change of Hobbit, Ships, the Bank of America building, the Warehouse Record store, Bullocks Westwood, the Ralphs market in the Village… all gone. All that’s left is Sepi’s and Stan’s Donuts.
