Followup: Her Girdle Keeps Scraping The Homes On Each Side

Earlier today, I wrote of the Los Angeles Times’ sensationalism regarding the upcoming I-405 construction. I found some further clues in the newspaper ad. I’ll present them to you as a poll. The stated goal is to minimize impact and costs:

Looking at this, you’ll see that Caltrans has stacked the deck. No one will pick the Alternative 1, the “No Build” option, given the battle to get this in the plan. Alternative 3 will mean taking houses and churches, including apartment buildings — it won’t happen. It would also likely mean extensive digging into the west side of the mountain, undoing expensive walling that was done about 8 years ago. Alternative 4 is even more expensive — an elevated transitway through the pass — give me a break. Alternative 5 is there to appease the transit advocates, but given the choice of rail/busways or having to take the homes of rich folks, you know who will win. No, Alternative 2 will be chosen, with narrow 11 ft lanes, because it is most cost effective.
