Birthday Wishes for countfroggy

OK, Folks, you know the drill. Allright everyone, let’s gather in front of our large, 13″, Black and White TV set, and watch as a tall, lanky man in a khaki uniform strides out, introduces himself as Sheriff John, and pulls out his accordion, and then starts singing the Birthday Cake Polka for countfroggy:

Put another candle on my birthday cake
We’re gonna bake a birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I’m another year old today

I’m gonna have a party with my birthday cake
Come on and take some birthday cake
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I’m another year old today

    We’ll have some pie and sandwiches
And chocolate ice cream too
We’ll sing and play the day away
And one more thing I’m gonna do

I’ll blow out the candles on my birthday cake
And when I do, a wish I’ll make
Put another candle on my birthday cake
I’m another year old today

Happy Birthday to You
You’re another year old today.

[I know, I know, you’re expecting me to pimp the birthday poll. Well, I won’t this week, because next Friday a new poll will be posted. I will, however, remind you that you only have 4 shopping days until National Gorilla Suit Day. This is the perfect day to get that gorilla in your life what he or she really deserves: A banana creme pie. Remember, if you can’t wear your gorilla suit to work, be like the president and wear a business suit and eat a lot of bananas.]
