Katrina: The Power of the Human Spirit

Like many others, I’ve been fascinated with the coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Perhaps it is because I know New Orleans: I’ve been to the city many times, and find it a very nice (albeit bizarre) place. Perhaps it is because I have friends from the area. Perhaps it is because I’ve been through disasters out here, such as the 1971 and 1994 earthquakes. But for whatever reason, I’ve been following the coverage. In particular, I’ve been following the friends list forkatrinacane (which was set up to allow folks in New Orleans to communicate); the neworleans community, NOLA.com is providing good coverage, as well as traditional outlets such as CNN.

It is times like this that show the power of the human spirit. This is the spirit that drives us to save others, drives us to help others, and is (in general) a force for good in the world.

I’m noting the following so I can find them later when I get home, but if you want to help, they are a good place to start:

Those affected by this disaster have my hopes that all family members are safe, and there there will be a speedy resumption of a normal life.
