Sunday is Left Handers Day. Do Something Sinister.

Did you know that Sunday, August 13th is Left Hander’s Day 2006. Just the right time to do something sinister.

Did you know:

  • According to a just-released survey, left-handed men with at least some college education earned 15% more than similarly educated right-handers, while those who finished college earned about 26% more.
  • A new survey shows that left-handed children have problems at school and get very little help from their teachers. This must make us independent go-getters, leading to the better salaries!
  • That stuttering and dyslexia occur more often in left-handers. This is why I believe there is only one dog.
  • That left-handers are generally more intelligent, better looking, imaginative and multi-talented than right handers. Just ask my wife. She’ll vouch for me.

But you poor right-handers needn’t suffer. There might be something sinister in you after all. And just remember, as six_gun_samurai said: “We may not be right, but we are what’s left.”
