We Are … Oh, You Know Who We Are.. For Everywhere We Go, Everybody Knows…

In a few minutes, NSS&F will get in the car and head up to camp for Shabbat. This year, the camps are doing something new and permitting the “Friends of the Camp” (nee the Alumni Association, nee the Camp Commission) to come up for an Erev or Morning Shabbat. I’ve been looking forward to this: camp was a place for me to recharge as a kid, and I expect tonight to be no different. Plus, there’s a big difference between attending a shabbat in a normal indoor synagogue to attending a shabbat on a mountaintop overlooking the Pacific Ocean as the sun sets. Somehow, you connect with God more in the outdoor setting. I also get to see if I know the words to any of the songs they are singing as zmirot these days, or if I can still do Israeli dancing without breaking an ankle or a foot.

It should be fun, in any case!

[If you didn’t figure out the subject: We Are Hilltop, of course. Mighty, mighty Hilltop. Everywhere we go…]
